TEST comparison (utility) pose
FFF or any combination model configuration. This is a static main floor location pose and will work in all locations. I made this primarily for working in the PE room. I get tired of having to pull apart three models from one and move them around for three model poses. This way their already pulled apart and facing for what ever application you need and the arms are already in a natural position. Put this in your untagged folder to keep it out of the way or wherever you want it. Use in game for dressing up three models or adjusting makeup,skins and etc. Copy it for a starting point for new three model poses. Its a utility pose, so use as needed. I'm sure their are already some of these out there, but I haven't seen any and they're probably buried at the pose beginning somewhere. Have fun.
Item statistics
- Type: pose
- Set: Public
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 157
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- ID: 1010560
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