Forest Jr

Forest Jr

  • Gender: Male
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 18
  • Sign: Scorpio
  • Occupation: athlete
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: giver
  • Base model: John
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Although of course it's only fiction, we can afford the games. Forest Jr is the son of late some Forest and Yasmine. Who was born today, but the story is happening in 2033. So you imagined more ...
Sandreane Level 207 Offline |
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I do not play Chathouse, so do not ask me.


Item statistics

  • Type: model
  • Set: Models 2015
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 46
  • Created: 8 years ago
  • Modified: 5 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: forest jr
  • ID: 1220685
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