

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 31
  • Sign: Taurus
  • Occupation: adventurer
  • Relationship: attached
  • Personality: action oriented
  • Base model: Lindsey
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Tiefling. An individual who, while mostly human, has demonic ancestry that physically manifests themselves. Often these individuals are outcasts, both out of necessity as well as personal nature. Though they can live for up to 300 years, they rarely do due to a hard and fast lifestyle. In many ways, Sigrun was stereotypical of her kind. However, the trajectory of her life changed in 1977. Eight years prior, man had stepped foot on the moon, and that was the year that Star Wars came out. Sigrun was enamored with science fiction and space, but it seemed that it was a dream that she’d never realize. Then fate played it’s hand, introducing her to a mysterious dark elf calling himself Coyote. While neither of them can remember the month that followed beyond alcohol, trashed hotel rooms, and ripped clothes, the two became lifelong friends and even mates. Then 1982 came around, and Coyote approached her with an opportunity. Through his contact, he was introduced to a secret program that opened up star gates and would allow Terrans to travel the cosmos. He recommended Sigrun for it, and while they realized that it would mean parting, they would not go in sorrow but rather contentment that she was finally being able to achieve her ambitions. She thoroughly enjoyed her time in space, but she felt Earth calling and has recently returned. She comes and goes as she pleases, always returning to Earth with amazing stories and artifacts, and returning to space with another round of pleasant memories. And when things go down...she always shoots first.
subatomicweasel Level 135 Offline |
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