Cynthia Ibanez

Cynthia Ibanez

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Mexico
  • Age: 18
  • Sign: Taurus
  • Occupation: dancer
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: fun-loving
  • Base model: Cindy
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Cynthia is tiny, cute, and a very energetic, out-going girl. She's the best friend of Sabrina Torres and the girls have known each other since they were little kids. While Sabrina is quiet and reserved, I guess you could say that Cynthia is the adventurous type. Her out-going nature can be a bit frustrating to Sabrina at times. She tries to keep Cynthia on a bit of a leash, usually to no avail. Cynthia's not shy when it comes to much of anything. Even if that "anything" is how well endowed her boyfriend Eddie is. And when it comes to her boyfriend, Cynthia is a bit of a nympho. Cynthia's love of fucking her boyfriend has led to some really odd situations that have been a bit embarrassing for Sabrina. There's been many a time she's walked in on Cynthia having some fun with Eddie; and when Cynthia gets the sudden urge in public she makes Sabrina play lookout, which leaves Sabrina usually a few feet away trying to ignore her friend's sexual escapades and nervously keep an eye out for passersby. There are times when Sabrina gets worn out by Cynthia's antics but she knows Cynthia is the sweetest, best friend she could ever ask for...even when Cynthia can't keep her hands out of Eddie's pants.
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