

  • Gender: Male
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: France
  • Age: 21
  • Sign: Leo
  • Occupation: writer
  • Relationship: attached
  • Personality: mediator
  • Base model: Justin
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Bertrand are the kind and intelligent son of the rich farmer Gérard. His family got some sugar plantations in northern Saint-Domingue. Bertrand himself was born in Saint-Domingue but his mother died of yellow fewer only some months after Bertrand was born. He was raised by his stepmother (a real bitch) and his religious father that wanted his son to became a officer. Bertrand himself became atheist and started to write poetry. He was inspired by the ideals of the french revolution and saw a new future where all men and women, black and white was to be equal. He fell in love with Isabel, a young slave and the housemaid of their family and learned her to read. In 1791 their mansion was attacked during the slave rebellion and all the family properties was destroyed, his father killed and his stepmother taken by the slaves. Isabel who knew about the rebellion in advance saved Bertrand just in time by running away with him at the outbreak...
Iblisazazel Level 85 Offline
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