Annabella Lewis

Annabella Lewis

  • Gender: Frau
  • Orientation: Heterosexuell
  • Nationality: Südafrika
  • Age: 20
  • Sign: Steinbock
  • Occupation: Model
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: unabhängiger Typ
  • Base model: Cindy
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Annabella Lewis, short Anna, comes from South Africa where she grew up in a formerly french colony. Her mum is African, her dad is French but still half-black skinned. Of course that wouldn't be of least significance, if she wouldn't show some.. let's call it irregularities.. in the common inheritance theory. She has a lot of physical characteristics of afro-roots such as a wide nose, brown hair and large, stout, attractive lips. Yet her skin should be much more darker due to the circumstances, but it looks like, quoted by one of the last model scouts (who by the way got quite popular with this comparison): "... caramel cream mousse with crispy coffee, and a shot of sappy fresh milk". Her blue eyes in addition. And finished is a freshly baked model. Actually she started to model when she was a year abroad and a model of her host family's dad (who is a photographer) got ill. So they all started a little joke and told the young daughter and her friend that Anna would be an international model (what they believed immediately, of course) and Anna did a short model crash course with them without knowing anything of what she was actually doing. The girls, however, were happy and Anna and her host family had a lot of fun, yet she's been told that she actually did quite a good job and so, when she was back home, she simply decided really to start with modelling. Meanwhile she works regularly for some magazines or gets small roles in movies or commercial spots - as it becomes some kind of popular (or even necessary) to show many individual persons, especially of various ethnics, in all kind of movies or especially commercials, she is quite popular as a model, due to her uniqueness. Especially in social networks she has a lot of fans now, last but not least because she actually is a very humble woman. Modelling is just a job for her but in her free time she lives "coziness before attractiveness" and often doesn't even use make-up, nor any kind of fancy clothings - what by the way doesn't impair her beauty quite a bit.
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And when I die just keep in mind - I'll love you in another life, I'll love you in another time ❤️❤️

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