Marcus D Perez

Marcus D. Perez

  • Gender: Mann
  • Orientation: Heterosexuell
  • Nationality: U.S.A.
  • Age: 26
  • Sign: Steinbock
  • Occupation: Angestellter
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: Draufgänger
  • Base model: Jack
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Marcus Damian Perez originally comes from New York City but meanwhile he lived at so many places that it's hard to say where he's actually from. Despite from the first impression one might have when seeing him, he didn't really grew up in complicated situations. Yet, he indeed has a complicated past - after school he worked as a cook (and by all means, his cooking skills are beyond belief) - when all the struggle started. Usually you can be sure that, if you don't lead your own gastronomic local, you're going to have a tough live as beeing a cook, on the one hand concerning your freetime (if it even exists), on the other hand concerning your financial future and opportunities. Indeed, it might depend on a lot of factors but Marcus didn't have a lot of look, if not to say it really was bad luck. The payment was bad, the working time was ridiculous and half of the team was addicted to at least one drug, reaching from alcohol to cocain. As Marcus got to know quite some dealers, knew a lot of addicts - and, since we live in a time with a very well functioning dark web - it was quite obvious how to get "things" a little bit better. He was doing drugs for the first time after they caught him for the very first time.. The sentence was quite mild as only one of a few charges could be confirmed. But the fact that this threw him out of his luxurious conditions led to the start of his criminal career. Meanwhile his live style can be very variable, from "almost all" to "almost nothing". Yet, he's never been very violent, even if he occasionally brags with it - the most violent thing he ever did is his notorious "Volcano Pasta"... (One says the name refers to what's happening about 8 hours later....)
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And when I die just keep in mind - I'll love you in another life, I'll love you in another time ❤️❤️

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