Hill Folk

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Hill Folk

Nelly faces more gaps in communication with Erika Nelly: Now that we have a minute, we are going to work on that enunciation like I said. Nelly: Horn Erika: Hawn Nelly: Horns Erika: Hawnz Nelly: Helmet Erika: Halmut Nelly: Store Erika: Sto' Nelly: Work Erika: Wark Nelly: Eat Erika: Et' Nelly: Throne Erika: Thrawn Nelly: Yes Erika: Ya' Nelly: No Erika: Nah Nelly: Kraken Erika: Crackun Nelly: Milk Erika: Malk Nelly: Faster Erika: Fester Nelly: Slower Erika: Slawer Nelly: IceCream Erika: AYEsCram Nelly: Everyone speaks like that where you live? Erika: Yawppeers Nelly: Are you sure.. really sure... in school they said it was English class?


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