Petra Costello
- Gender: Frau
- Orientation: Heterosexuell
- Nationality: England
- Age: 27
- Sign: Schütze
- Occupation: Chefin
- Relationship: getrennt
- Personality: Kämpfertyp
- Base model: Monica
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Petra Costello is the big boss of the underworld in shadows of truht.René Enrique and Petra are come into conflict with each other.Who will win in the end.?
Item statistics
- Type: model
- Set: Female Models
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 110
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 6 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: model, underworld, arrula, shadows of truht, petra costello
- ID: 612596
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