HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 from Briar27

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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 from Briar27

Happy New Year everyone! Fuck 2020! Literally. The first pose is the WIP animation pose I am currently building. It's in it's initial set up with just 3 main keys in the first timeline. I've got lots of animation work to still do. Breast massaging and rotation with her hands sliding and lifting her breasts etc..and probably other movements for her arms and hands etc. Head rotation is currently active too, but that will change when I do more animation to both the female and male model. Speed variation of penetration will also be added as I work on this one. For now it only has one speed since it's only 3 keys on the first timeline so far. I am now quarantined since my roommate has Covid 19 and I probably do now too. Hopefully It doesn't kill me and I can keep working on this. Not a great way to start 2021 but life is chaotic like the universe. We're just along for the ride. I hope you enjoy my first video and preview for 2021. Thanks all! Stay healthy and safe!
Briar27 Level 194 Offline |
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The only thing that separates fantasy from reality is how far you're willing to go down the rabbit hole.


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