H82 Alien v2 with B27 Teeth Adjust and Bandana eye shadows removed


UPDATED VERSION Apparently my attempt to merge the two versions failed so I deleted the old version and uploaded this one to replace it. updated on 8-27-2022 with an additional correction to the bandanna. removing the dark eye socket shadows on it. (Shown now in the mini pic) The Alien in the first film had a more transparent head carapace and you could see eye sockets. Now it looks more like the carapace as seen in Aliens, and later sequels. Which I think makes them look far less like a human and more intimidating. If you already downloaded my first version, download this one to get the new bandanna that fixed a bright white spot over one of the eyes and those dark sockets. All the rest of the items in this mod are the same as the previous version.

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Briar27 Level 194 Offline |
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The only thing that separates fantasy from reality is how far you're willing to go down the rabbit hole.


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