Ivanhoes Magical Mystery Tour - part three

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Ivanhoes Magical Mystery Tour - part three

Well, here is a third part before I complete the whole movie about my mobile fake location Everland. This entry became of double length from what I first planned and it's also like a second chapter of the adventures in part two. To fully get along with the story in it, you should have seen that part (and in a wider way also part one of course) but in the end you will get it anyway. Here is also some pointing towards the last part, which will be just one even if a very lot gonna happen in it. I stick to my classics, with one exception, regarding the choice of music. And if you hang in, you will even hear Caruso sing! Hope you enjoy! And it's still time to participate in my contest which you find all about in my MFL folder in MyShares. Link: https://www.thri.xxx/profile/1226834/Ivanhoe/myshares/1747874
Ivanhoe Level 106 Online |
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