LH Bathroom window - toy 1004


Add on toy for the Lake House bathroom, placed in slot 5. It's not completely necessary, but more realistic with windows. Since the bathroom is a closed room, it can be tricky to come inside it with the camera. One way is to rotate it, like in preview pic 2, but it's not optimal. I prefer to change toy to something more or less invisible for the shooting, it's less work that way since You just change back again and don't need to move the toys. I'll show this in the preview movie I'm gonna make.

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Ivanhoe Level 104 Offline |
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Item statistics

  • Type: toy
  • Set: Lake House
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 8
  • Created: 9 months ago
  • Modified: 9 months ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: lake house
  • ID: 9704374
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