Tamara Watters

Tamara Watters

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 28
  • Sign: Taurus
  • Occupation: adventurer
  • Relationship: attached
  • Personality: competitor
  • Base model: Dee
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Tamara is the middle child of 3 children. She has an older brother and a younger sister. Both of her Parents are Martial Arts Instructors, so Tamara had a black belt and Sash in both Jiu Jitsu and Wing Chun Kung-Fu by the young age of 8 years old. Because of her training, Tamara has become very focused and driven to excel. She graduated from High School at the top of her class and received Scholarships to GE University. She is a naturally gifted learner, and coupled with a Genius IQ, is able to pick up new skills pretty much effortlessly. She spent the summer between High School and University at her Grandparents in Japan. It was there that she met Andrea and had a torrid love affair for the 2 months that she was there. Returning to GE City, she almost flunked her first year in University because she was so heart-broken. She dug in the following year and continued on to receive her Business Degree with Honors, while also getting her diploma in IT Networking. She started her own business and has been quite successful at it. She had a number of failed relationships since then, both with females and males, but never found what she was looking for. Delivering a failed pick up line and literally falling for her...a local Bounty Hunter named DF managed to get her attention, even though she brushed it off as 'flattered, but not impressed.' It was the walk home that changed her perception, as it also profoundly did with DF as well. A local Crime Lord had sent some Henchmen to deliver a 'warning' to DF to back off. While trying to deliver this message, Tamara took down two in seconds while DF managed to take out the shocked other two to end the threat. Tamara and DF had a number of talks, and Tamara asked to help DF take down the Crime Lord, Antonio Zambonie. An adventure ensued that led these two to rescuing friends and taking down the Vampire Crime Lord, with no small help of their friends, and a rather infamous vampire by the name of Lore. Tamara loved the adrenaline and has since decided to pursue her Bounty Hunter License which is sanctioned by the GE City Police. DF and Tamara have now been together for 6 months now and their adventure is just starting...
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