Here are the clothes of Aurelia. NOTICE: But the textures are NOT mine, I have been only increased the transparence, changed the colour and add some light on it. I used the following textures: - SlvrLvnd (Flower Dress) - Insect_Wings (Angel Wings) - Cronan_Jewelry Pack 1 (Ear Rings, Labor Collar) - H82 Viktoria lingerie (Body Stockings, Bra, Panty) - My collections - anger night lace (1 3) (Gloves) I upload those as a texture pack because without that my model Aurelia is not complete.
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Item statistics
- Type: texture
- Set: Cloth Textures
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 206
- Created: 7 years ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: clothes, Aurelia
- ID: 2956477
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