DFs StripTease Prelude 02
Tessa was working through her routine for her next show at The Pink Panther Club...She gets naked quick, but I managed to get 3 shots...Tamara stops by the club after her work outs and seems to enjoy Tessa's charms as much as I do.. This is a preview of a series of Stripper Poses I will be uploading in the near future...Tessa was one of my models that also was lost in the crash...I have now re-uploaded her and she is back in my shared folder as well.
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Item statistics
- Type: pose
- Set: DFs Poses
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 149
- Created: 7 years ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: single, photopose, dragonfyre, striptease, dfsposes
- ID: 3183641
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