Sarah Grace Elizabeth

Sarah Grace E.

  • Gender: Frau
  • Orientation: Heterosexuell
  • Nationality: England
  • Age: 21
  • Sign: Jungfrau
  • Occupation: Wissenschaftlerin
  • Relationship: verheiratet
  • Personality: sensibler Mensch
  • Base model: Lynnea
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1801, Sarah Grace Elizabeth was born on the British Isles of the Empire, as one of three daughters of a wealthy and influential noble family. Unfortunately, her mother died early, the only person who the only person who really took care of her. After her death, the family members distanced themselves from each other and most of all time everybody looked after hisself. As a result, she was always disadvantaged and excluded especially regarding the society because she was never very "pretty" (she suffers from strabismus and a chronic skin rash). Later she was married with an old guy and settled over to his manor in a British colony in America. The wedding had more of a functional reason, because her father wanted to get rid of her and her old husband hoped to get better connections to British trading companies, as his commerce with tobacco didn't run very well. 1822 she lives on Castaway Cay, a secluded island of the Bahamas. As her husband got even older, the house staff left one after another and instead of the lady of the manor, she became more of a Caribbean Cinderella, doing the household and in her free time writing poems and texts, managing a small library and doing scientific work with exotic plants and bugs. Actually there slumbers a great revolutionary person in her who has just always been kept small. She is very emotional and as she got ignored more and more by the few persons who lives with her at this lonely island she slips into an affair with one of the "workers", if not to call him a a serf and slave of her husband.
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And when I die just keep in mind - I'll love you in another life, I'll love you in another time ❤️❤️

Item statistics

  • Type: model
  • Set: MODELS
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 323
  • Created: 5 years ago
  • Modified: 4 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: model, girl, lady, vintage, colonialism
  • ID: 4755081
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