The Eidolon

The Eidolon

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: Haiti
  • Age: 20
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Occupation: servant
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: reserved
  • Base model: Zhin
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Rumors in Saint-Domingue once said that the respected and beloved priest Alphonse Lacroix in Le Cap had a slave, a young woman, hidden away in a secret cellar. The rumors were true... Kokumo and her brother was kidnapped by slave hunters in western Africa and ended up in Saint-Domingue. Lacroix bought her secretively from slave traders and kept her away to be his private concubine and dark secret... Kokumo never saw her brother again and about a year later she gave birth to a baby boy who was taken from her. After losing her son she managed to escape from the cellar and killed Lacroix. She was captured shortly after that and was executed by an angry mob in 1774. Years later during the revolution in 1791, after the rebels failed to penetrate the city of Le Cap, the mambo Ezili managed to find and evoke Kokumos soul with magic and the help of the spirits. During every night she was to appear in Le Cap to revenge her death by terrorize immoral males until Ezili repeal the curse. She was to be known as the Eidolon of Le Cap spreading fear by killing, mutilate or infect male victims with syphilis.
Iblisazazel Level 85 Offline
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