Vanessa Hellsing replacement skin
After uploading Vanessa Hellsing's skin I noticed a problem . Being new at this I didn't blend the seam in correctly on the outside of the arms . It was only a problem in certain lighting but I fixed the problem right away , but didn't upload it . All my other skins have been based on this " repair " . But now I want to share a model that uses the new skin and now I have to upload it . The problem is that I can't upload this with the face textures of both Vanessa and the new model so this comes with the new models face only . Simply placing the new body image in the old Vanessa Hellsing skin file should solve this . Several of my new models will be using the new face so you might want to keep both files . Sorry for the hassle .
Item statistics
- Type: texture
- Set: Textures
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 1333
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 4 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: mclain, vanessahellsing
- ID: 535404
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