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Minders 194 Pepper: So can we have an idea of the changes you have in mind Forest? Forest: It’s going to stay a bar and I don’t plan much change to the internal décor but I think a rebranding will be in order. Scarlett: You mean we’re not going to be Boomer’s any more? Forest: No, but I’ve not decided on a new name yet. Tia: You were talking about a new beer, weren’t you? Forest: Yes, I’m thinking a draught beer – ‘Forest’s First Quencher’, a traditional bitter. Pepper: Are you going to do the brewing Forest – or have it made in the pharmaceutical factory? Forest: It’ll be brewed here, in the micro-brewery, and I’ll be sending you on a course to become our new brewer. Scarlett: I’d like to learn about brewing too if I can Forest. Tia: That sounds a good idea to have both of you able to do the brewing. Forest: I’ll have to think about that. I had wondered about sending you on another course Scarlett, to learn about artisan gin. Scarlett: I’d be up for that. We’d be the only distillery in the City – well the only legal one! Forest: Exactly, and I think there could well be a market elsewhere, the Pink Panther for instance.


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