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Here is the first part of a saga about Dr Cummings secret, more specific the boner pills and their secret substance. Since they have to increase the production of the pills after Lord Wills promotion trip, the doctor needs more of that substance and this movie reveals what can go wrong in that case. Here is also a development of the mystery with Mustas disappearance. The main part of the movie takes place in the Park with an amount of steamy sex scenes in a row. That part I also made a sequence of. I made this entry silent and that works well. No annoying sound problems. The shooting also went remarkably well this time so I'm over all happy with this. The movie is 37 minutes including an opening and a closing scene. Thanks to @wizgum for the two poses at the beginning. I write that here, cause at the end I billed him for a "pose" though it's two... Hope You enjoy it!
Ivanhoe Level 106 Online |
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