#3DGoGo Rock of Ages
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#3DGoGo #BethMalphes
8 bits style
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#3DGoGo - #BethMalphes
Ty Player. very interesting. never used WinAmp so not sure about dektop dancer.? like idea though
hmmm seems like its the porn games that are pushing innovation, and the squares just follow after
#3DGoGo - #BethMalphes
hmm i think i was hoping for something like this.
hehe i love she has a little lag loading her next move. just like the girls at the crazihorse. haha
this game is good. expensive and very little forum/tech support. seems to have been released and they're done with it.
be nice to be able to stream something at a player. before heading over to the chathouse for some real fun.
#3DGoGo -#BethMalphes
modifying stripkittens was a bitch. X,Y,Z co-ordinates just aint sexy coders. fortunately Thrixx provides an easy interface. and shopping is pretty much the same as in Sexvilla. though. . i guess no user textures etc. so losing a lot a creativity there. hmm song retrieval and install is a little backwards as well since you get packs from a third party.
there are some things you can just watch over and over -- like Malphes doing go-go for example --- Awesome display !