
Again the male/female filter on automatch bugs... Won't work... #DirtySix #Celine #PussInBoobs

@Dirty-Six #dirtysix #BETAsuggestions #site-issues

What is the point of the Sets feature?

I assume it was to sort one's files making it easier to browse for both creator and follower, but I ask this question because:

1. The whole "Move to ANOTHER Set" process is confusing, wrong use of English and takes forever to work out.

2. Once you have moved individual items from the arbitrary sets created by Thrixx in the transfer, an empty set "Image Not Found" icon still remains (and indeed moves to one's front page) instead of simply removing themselves when they become empty. Even a manual Delete Empty Set button might be of use here, don't you think?

3. Once in the Set, all one's images are in a random order. Now, for a comic, with no Move Forward or Backward button in your new and terrible viewer, it's already hard enough, but for someone to have the pages presented in a completely random order means the Reader must search for each page one at a time. Useless!!!!! It takes one line of code to organise Files in Name Order or Date Order (you should give the user the right to specify).

4. Search does not seem to recognise SET names. Mind you, search doesn't seem to recognise anything much.

5. Once images are moved into a SET, the Organise Files pop up window still insists on bringing each individual file into it. This means, for example, when one has thousands of images, you might as well go make dinner whilst you wait. Of course if the Files pop up only brought up non-set images individually and then the SETs, this would decrease loading time after each Organisation process and make the user feel like some progress is being made!!!!

This is just one feature of your new site. ONE!!!!!!!!! The same number of flaws and in many cases MORE, exist in each of the features. You have taken all the bad things of the old GE site and made them worse, and all the good features of the old GE site and completely ignored them.

I will be posting detailed issues of all the features over the coming days. Answers, ANY answers, as to when these problems will be addressed from Thrixx would be useful.

Whoever coded this site was either:

a) incompetent
b) given a brief that was pretty much useless
c) given a brief that deliberately set out to make life as hard (and the ability to complain about it) as possible for old GE users so we would just go away.

Probably all of the above.

Shocking Thrixx. Simply shocking. In nearly 3 decades of work in IT companies and/or big business, I have never seen such a disastrous system transfer OR shoddy customer treatment. NEVER.

  • there living every day off the company take in...0 going back in

    created by douggiefresh 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • And after 4 months we still don't have any improvements or even a response. Shocking.

    created by thisisatemp 1 decade ago
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