#cheetachrome #Erecura #FellatioFriday #Dispater #Daz3D #anal
The benefits of a threeway piledriver in reduced gravity are obvious!
#Cheetachrome #Erecura #Dispater #Daz3D #PinkElephant
Newly commissioned Captain Erecura takes a break on the bridge of the SS Dispater.
More to come in this series...
(these pics are higher res - click on the share item pic to get to the hi res view)
BTW - I used #PinkElephant hashtag because I'm new and don't have a lot of followers, need more eyeballs! I always appreciate the comments questions on my pics... what exactly is the PinkElphant hashtag for? Tried to figure out from posts, but...
Kind of like an all points bulletin. ThePinkElephant itself was a location made by @hexnacfeegle by converting the texutres of the stripper location in sexvilla, latter, a new and revised version was done by @Joshua , the PinkElephant has been the center point of a lot of the stories on this site, a way for all of us to interconnect our stories and create a big universe called GE
The PinkElephant itself once got blown up in a story as a statement, because it's the one thing that connects the whole community. later it was rebuild. Sadly, most of the comic creators have left if not all of them. or at the very least have stopped creating stories, or have other things to do. Thanks to the PE stories have grown larger than creators imagined and characters have been used over different stories thus making it an unigue story in and out of itself.
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Thanks! And thanks @godless8 for the info, was really wondering. Also makes some of the screenshots I see make a little more sense. I've not been in SV for a bit, will have to check it out one of these days. Assuming the elements are on Gamerotica somewhere?
@cheetachrome They are all over Gamerotica, but finding them, that will be hard, it's easy when you know what you are looking for, but, in essence if you go to the creators my share pages and read up from there, it might be easier. people like @spelss @Joshua @HexNacFeegle @inlovewithh @Max_33 @Alexis and many more including myself are among the people who make stories that have intertwining elements.
Nice Daz set
reminds me of scene from FLM
Look forward to more of these -
Thanks @coffeeWhore64. It really is quite similar! Love that name, too! I'm working on some new ones as I type...
Nice one! Well, ThePink elephant is something that goes waaaaay back to old gamerotica, thePinkElephant is a "virtual" bar in gamerotica invented by @HexNacFeegle with the rules that everyone was welcome in the PE. no mater if you're man woman or tentacle monster. the hashtag itself is primarily used as a means for the "old guard" of GE to stay in contact with each other. in that way it also helps us help each other and make announcements we feel we should all know of.