#Celine #HomerJay #Dirty-Six
@Dirty-Six I tried to upload my first texture and filled out the fields provided and it just gave me the loading bar for 20 mins before I gave up
And I would like to know why there are no clear directions on the upload texture window seriously why the Fuck should I have to asks friends for help on how to do something like this, you provide the window and the fields that need to be filled and I did exactly what they asked for
1) the name
2) description
3) tags
4) file
I added the zipped folder with the modified texture png and clicked add
Now I find out I needed preview pics and it has to be zipped no where does it say a thing about any of this
#Celine #HomerJay #Dirty-Six Versuchen wir dies dann @ Dirty-Six warum hast du bis jetzt nicht reagiert über die Probleme mit dem "Invalid token"
Translation : Let's try this then @Dirty-Six why have you not responded till now about the problems with the " Invalid token "
Weil ich die letzten 2 wochen garnicht hier war. Davon abgesehen sind solche Probleme eher etwas für den Support da es dort schneller auffällt wenn sich fehler häufen und diese dann bevorzugt behandelt werden. Ich bin hier eigentlich nur eine verbindung zwischen community und dem rest der firma um eure wünsche in die planung einzubringen.
Und, entgegen der allgemeinen meinung, ist das hier auch eigentlich nicht mein job. das mach ich nebenbei und nur weil mir die community am herzen liegt und ich eine möglichst gute zeit für alle hier schaffen will (auch wenns nicht immer so klappt
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Fair enough @Dirty-Six but maybe Thrixxx should hire site admins who do what the majority of site admins do which is to monitor the community and to communicate directly with them when issues arise , this is what was promised when you guys said you would start keeping the customers updated the errors started on Tuesday this means your customers have been dealing with it for almost a week with no explanation or even a " sorry for the inconvenience we will fix it as soon as possible "
True, and we're also aware that we need a dedicated community manager as the community keeps growing. But we promised to keep everyone updated on a weekly base and we kept that promise with CyberSexMonday since then. We're also aware that we might need to change to a more userfriendly support system (with status-tracking, etc.). At the moment the only thing i can do is to advice you to send a support ticket for bigger problems as there are more people looking than here.
Thank you for your response @Dirty-Six and the explanation as to your role here
@Dirty-Six When you tried to send a report that you are receiving "invalid token", you received an error message "invalid token".
@Mouse your right I should have me mentioned that , if you hadn't Givin me the trick to getting things working I would still be screaming at my monitor
@maniacmayo @dirty-six Reports break. So someone should be monitoring the community. In addition, someone should pop in on Saturday and Sunday just to check on things. All too often ThriXXX does the thing you don't do and put an untested "fix" into production on a Friday afternoon and bolts out the door....then something is broken all weekend. In addition, for years I've been seeing new users who have paid, but can't log on on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays.
@Mouse I assume that's what he means about getting a community manager , but you know what they say about assuming
@Smokey I posted to him in english this morning when I saw he responded to @Exkalibur in German when he failed to respond to me I posted the ? In German an lo and behold he responded maybe it's the fear of proximity Austria is a short drive from Germany
Depending on where you actually are in germany, it might be a short drive
Austrians actually do speak german, even if they have a very distinguishable accent. A bit like brits and yanks
what he was basicly saying : "Because I was not here for the last 2 weeks . That being said , such problems are a matter for the support, because when such errors accumulate they will notice them faster and can handle them with prioritiy . I am really just a connection between the community and the rest of the company to involve your wishes into the planning" .....
..."And , contrary to popular belief , this here is also not really my job . I do that alongside just because the community is very important to me and I want to have all users the best possible time here ( even if this doesn´t always work out well
) " END OF QUOTE Uhhh, sorry for my bad translation skills it´s been a while since I acually used the language more frequently.
I don't know @skycaptain70 I'd say more like the difference between someone from Northern England and southern England , hmm wonder if they dislike like each other as much as well Lol Spent 6 months in the UK I always found it funny how intense the dislike was
The most stunning thing about all this is that NO ONE MODERATES what is going on inside Craphouse at night or over the weekends/holidays. How can Thrixxx have such a product and have no one moderating it @Dirty-Six? Answer, because despite all your efforts to malke 3dsv users go to craphouse and also attract new users (especially women) YOU HAVE FAILED EVEN AFTER THIS TIME to get enough to justify hiring a community manager- and even worse you have driven away many of your older users. #SACKTHEPROGRAMMER
#Homerjay #Dirty-Six #Celine #worgr
Worgr and I have been testing ENB V2 with the new launcher, we got it to work on Sexvilla, Hentai and Gayvilla, so if there is no big change, it 'should' work.
this was all done with windows 7 so I don't know how windows8 users will experience it...
ENB V1 should work too but I'm not sure about ENB V3 because that's a different kind of beast, but I can look into that.
Please keep in contact with me regarding ENB, and let me know of any changes so we can look at it together to find possible work arounds.
what does that mean exactly.. how would i launch an enb enabled version of the game?
You would launch it with the launcher like you would normally launch the game.
So if I have the enb files in my bin folder it will automatically always launch with ENB?
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I have tried it (can only view tutorial) but don't see a change. Where exactly do the file man.fx and folder hook_data go. I have put them under program files(x86)\thrixxx\Launcher\Games\3DSV2\
Hey Godless, can you hook me up with the ENB version 2? and help me get it working again? It is the one I was using before this update messed everything up. Please contact me about it on the old GE page in my PM's. This site isn't working for me and I will not be using it. Thanks.
That's probably the first piece of good news since this whole switch over started. I hope that ENB really works once I am able to use the launcher. It's the only thing that's made the game interesting.
@ D6 wie kann mann ein neues Set erstellen und die Ordner Organisieren ?
can someone tell me how to get ENB to work with windows 8. I have everything where it needs to be in the readme's.
AND the response from @Dirty-Six to a CUSTOMER in need is as swift as ever.