


Good Morning

Five Chinese wisdom tips for young women are:

1) It is important to find a man who will help you with housework and hard work and who has a good job.
2) It is important to find a witty man with a lot of humor who makes you laugh.
3) It is important to find a man you can count on, who you trust and who never lies.
4) It is important to find a man who is good in bed, who enjoys making love to you.
5) It is important to make sure that these four men do not know each other.
Have nice Day (for absent friends )


Two 8-year-old children are talking in their bedroom. The child asks the girl:
- What will you ask for for Christmas?
- I'll ask for a Barbie, what will you ask for?
- I'll ask for Tampax , replies the boy.
- What is Tampax?
- I don't know... but on TV they say that you can go to the beach every day, ride
biking, horseback riding, dancing, clubbing, running, doing lots of cool things and
best of all... without anyone noticing!!!


⚸The White Witch of the Fifth Dimension⚸
\ ᛖᚣᚱᛁᛜᛚᚣ ᚹ./


  • created by GerhardY 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • Good Morning Mari About the "Five Chinese wisdom tips" 5) hahaha Jokes aside, I have no sympathy for such behavior, either by women or by men. Being unfaithful is a punishment no loving partner should ever experience Have a superb Day

    created by Alex80SeeYouAll 2 years ago Who liked this?

•••✦ ✦•••


Good Morning
When a man is young, he tries to get ahead of the world. Then he merely keeps pace with it, until finally he begins to be overtaken by the world.

Have nice Day ( absent are in a bad position )


Learn French at school, don't grasp it one bit.
The teacher suggests you might be better off switching to German.
You cry and start running away.

The teacher runs after you and tells you to stay and try after all.
You give up and cry some more.
The teacher pats you on the shoulder and gives you straight A's for the rest of the school year. He says it's the most French thing anyone has done at this school.


⚸The White Witch of the Fifth Dimension⚸
\ ᛖᚣᚱᛁᛜᛚᚣ ᚹ./

  • Good morning Mari Funny picture and the song is great too Maybe i'm getting a bit old soon, i overslept today and now i have to catch up with the world's pace... Have a nice day

    created by Alex80SeeYouAll 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • 💋☕️🍫

    created by MichaelSG86 2 years ago

After a big spring cleaning, Dad cooks pasta for dinner.
- Hey, kids, where's the strainer?
- It was holey, so we threw it away.

  • created by GerhardY 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • that's only a problem if you are not on "the dark side of life" or the bright side of the moon

    created by Alex80SeeYouAll 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • Tak długo ukrywam się przed złem, Lecz diabeł we mnie chce, by mu się okazać. Tak jak ten świat nie zasługuje na naszą dobroć i wdzięczność, tak wy nie zasługujecie na naszą miłość ....

    created by MarPas 2 years ago Who liked this?


On Friday, February 4, we celebrated the XXII World Cancer Day 2022 (World Cancer Day). The holiday was established in 2000 during the World Cancer Summit in Paris. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no traditional Open Doors Day at national oncology centers. However, there will be no shortage of interesting events and online meetings related to the World Cancer Day celebrations.
On the occasion of World Cancer Day, we can symbolically express our solidarity with cancer patients, but also take care of our own health and raise awareness about cancer symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
│█║▌║▌║ 2122/109 Good morning║▌║▌║█│

Imagination and reality... . It seems to me that I have little imagination. It's very sad... .Besides I don't trust the so called liberated imagination, like surrealists, for example. I do not know what it is, what it consists in. For me, sharpened consciousness is more appealing than the subconscious. And here I can explain my hunger for reality by that I can only aliment myself with what exists. Hence also the hunger for objects. Reality human reality, the reality of culture, the reality of objects, material, rheistic even, is my material. Thus, in order to write something, I must first look at it and read it.

End of transmision

Three vampires are doing an exam on turning into a bat and sucking blood. The first one collected some blood, at which the examiner asked him:
- Where did you get so much blood?
- I sucked it out of that woman's neck.
Now comes the turn of the second. The second has collected more blood than the first, to which the examiner asks:
- Where did you get so much blood?
- Do you see that cow over there? It's from her.
The turn of the third comes. The third comes back covered in blood, to which the examiner asks:
- Where did you get so much blood?
- Do you see that wall over there?
- Yes.
- And I didn't see it.

Have nice Day

⚸The White Witch of the Fifth Dimension⚸
\ ᛖᚣᚱᛁᛜᛚᚣ ᚹ./


PS:You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  • This song has a very serious topic. Because of the lack of imagination. I have a lot of imagination and can imagine whole other worlds and parallel universes, but I still want to see and understand the real things in my real world with a sharp mind and also still understand my subconscious afterwards Wish you also a nice Saturday PS: Every single moment given in this world, is valuable and unfortunately, we often forget it

    created by Alex80SeeYouAll 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • created by GerhardY 2 years ago


│█║▌║▌║ 2120/108 Good morning║▌║▌║█│

A young woman met a powerfully built man in a bar who she liked very much. After a few drinks she got up the courage to ask him:
- Can you tell me your chest measurements?
- Of course. One hundred centimeters.
- Circumference?
- No, the diameter...
The woman was delighted. She decided to ask another question:
- And the biceps? The size of your biceps?
- Forty centimeters, ma'am.
- Oh dear, the circumference!
- No, the diameter...
The woman almost fainted from the impression. But she decided to ask one more question:
- And you know, the size of this... manhood...
- 6 centimeters.
- Oh, the diameter!
- No. From the floor.


Have nice Day

⚸The White Witch of the Fifth Dimension⚸
\ ᛖᚣᚱᛁᛜᛚᚣ ᚹ./


PS:You can't help everyone," says the small-minded man, and helps no one...


  • Good Morning Mari, i really did enjoy to listen to the lyrics of this song The end of the joke was obvious from the beginning... his manhood Have a great Friday PS: If you try to help everyone, you could fail here and there, but at least you tried and some of them will succeed...

    created by Alex80SeeYouAll 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • indeed hihi milego dnia ☕☕🍌

    created by MarPas 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • love this coffee cup

    created by GerhardY 2 years ago

On the wedding day, the husband and wife decided that each of them would prepare a special cup, into which they would throw a pea for each betrayal. After 20 years, it is time for confrontation. The wife asks her husband:
- Honey, it's been so many years. Please tell me honestly, how many peas do you have in your cup?
- You know I love you very much. That's why I'm ashamed, but I have to be honest with you. I have three seeds for moments of weakness. I apologize you
- I forgive you, my love. There is nothing to discuss it.
- And you? How many grains have you collected?
- I say there is nothing to discuss it. Now sit down at the table. Today, pea soup for lunch.

  • this is more of a kind of a sad story between a married couple. hmm but i get the joke...

    created by Alex80SeeYouAll 2 years ago Who liked this?
  • created by GerhardY 2 years ago Who liked this?
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