In the music you can hear the gallop of the Riders of the Apocalypse from a woodcut by Albrecht Durer
#youtube #metallica
This is so awesome! I can listen to this everyday. Best intro ever
Wow... That sounded sooo much better than I thought it would. Part of me actually preferred the reverse.
#Metallica #music
The new album from Metallica does seem like the best one they have released since the Black album to my ears. Need to listen some more to give it a proper rating. One major flaw though: the sound of everything is utter horseshit! Thankfully, there are others that provide me with the "correct" tone for some of songs.
Here's the original
I like the way everything sounds honestly. This version also sounds pretty kickass though.
#metallica #guitar #cover
As a guitarplayer, i have one special dreamtone i always wanted to have while playing myself;
The sound of "Metallica ... and justice for all" cd.
That aggressive hit you in the face tone that make you look as mean James does while playing, at least back in his prime.
I found a youtuber that done some awesome covers of Metallica with this emulation. My ears are in love! Sounds amazing!
Now i want this program so i can use this myself. Lets see if i can save up some for xmas to get this program, and a new pack of strings.
The cover of one of my fav Metallica songs, except Blackened. Although he has a cover of that too.
The program i MUST HAVE:
Being a guitar player as well. I totally agree with the mythical "dream-tone" thing. It something that I'm still working on getting. Metallica being one of my favorite bands got me into playing guitar and have always been an inspiration no matter what other people think about their music. And speaking of blackened, you should definitely check this cover out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2IRyXzDOsA