
#foresterotica #Minders @Smokey

MINDERS 500 - and the last one.

It's been a long series, moving in fits and starts. The characters will still appear but only very rarely as a foursome. If you have been, thanks for watching!

Forest: That’s it then, Minders all wound up, the girls can take those logos off their clothes.

Tia: Don’t get your hopes up Forest, but I think we’ll be taking these clothes off – and replacing them with something less uniform!

Fei: I think we will, but we’ll keep these to remind us of three very interesting years.

Smokey: You did rather stand out like emergency responders!

Tia: That was the point. Think about it, we kept you out of trouble Smokey, no more fines for pissing in the park.

Forest: She has a point Smokey. The girls have done us proud, we’re lucky they’re going to stay with us .

Tia: We couldn’t abandon you, exasperating as you can be, but we’re sorry we won’t all be living together now, I’m going to miss you Fei.

Fei: And I’ll miss you, and Forest, but we’ll have our phones.

Smokey: Lord protect us from girls on the phone eh Forest? Fei & I will be off on our cruise tomorrow, you take care and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

Forest: Tia and I will go back to the City tonight. Hope your cruise avoids giant penguins this time and don’t worry, I wouldn’t even think of doing half the things you WOULD do.

#foresterotica #Minders @Smokey


Forest: End of an era now then – it’s three and a half years since we first met Minders.

Belial: That must be soon after it started – it was Mal’s Minders then wasn’t it?

Smokey: Yes. She soon sold out to Erika who put you in to run the office.

Forest: Right. All in the past now. All the money’s sorted, we’ve put the rubbish out, so all we have to do now is drop you off at the landlord’s office to give him they keys.

Belial: I won’t be sad to see the last of him! Bristly old bastard who tried to goose me just about every time I paid the rent.

Smokey: Nothin Cheaply! Brother of that pervert you had editing the Bumcrack paper isn’t he Forest?

Forest: That family! OK, I’ll wait and Smokey can go in with you, then we can take you home Belial.

Belial: Thanks Forest, that would be kind of you.

  • Will this end up being the last we see of Belial?

    created by Briar27 5 months ago Who liked this?
  • I have no plans for her at the moment @Briar27 - did you want to offer her a part? PM if you want.

    created by forestporn 5 months ago Who liked this?
  • @forestporn, I don't have anything in mind that I could do for her, but I feel bad for her losing her business. So I was wondering what will become of her.

    created by Briar27 5 months ago Who liked this?
  • View all comments(-3)

#foresterotica #Minders @Smokey


Smokey: So are we right?

Belial: Yes, I’m afraid so. You two are my only remaining clients and your girls are the only ones left on the books.

Forest: Then I think our plan makes perfect sense. We buy City Minders for a nominal sum, make you redundant and surrender this office.

Belial: Redundant – and I get a pay off?

Forest: Of course you do. We thought 5 years salary would be quite tempting.

Belial: I could certainly live with that but what about the girls?

Smokey: We’ve talked it over with them and they’re both happy to stay with us. We’ll keep paying them at you rate so they’ll be well looked after.

Forest: And there are fringe benefits, both ways.

#foresterotica #Minders @Smokey


Forest: You know I’m sure we’re the only two clients for City Minders now – maybe we should talk to Belial and buy out the company?

Smokey: That’s an idea but what would it mean for the girls?

Forest: I’m sure we could arrange something suitable, and financially acceptable all round.

Tia: So instead of working for Minders with employee rights we just become your paid mistresses?

Fei: If you look at it another way Tia, it might be better than being pimped out by the Company!

Smokey: I’m beginning to like this. OK, we’ll stop off for a couple of days in the City and have a meeting with Belial.

#foresterotica #Minders @Smokey


Forest: So now we’ve managed to prise you away from the barmaid’s tits ……..

Smokey: It’s very simple Forest – when I finish a brandy I can have a refill or a handful and while I’ve got my hands full I get no more brandy!

Fei: It was only supposed to be an eyeful for a refill but we had to up the stakes to cut down on the brandy!

Forest: I see. And is this going to keep you in Bumcrack or are you coming back to the City soon?

Smokey: I thought about it, but I’ve decided to hire that yacht again and go on a protracted cruise.

Tia: Will Fei be going with you or will we have her back in the flat?

Smokey: Fei’s with me. I’m sure I can get that young nun’s tits but I fear her pussy might be harder to find.

Fei: And that would cost you brandy measured in bottles not glasses Smokey!

#foresterotica #Minders @Smokey #TittyTuesday


Forest: At the bar yes, but I didn’t expect to find him with his hands full of a barmaid’s tits!

Tia: Fei did say she and the nurse had a plan to cut down on the brandy ……..

Forest: By occupying his hands with tits? Surely Fei or the nurse have tits so what’s with the barmaid?

Tia: She’s where the brandy is Forest, but I’m sure Fei said he was only supposed to look!

Smokey: I’m a good negotiator!

Selina: And I get good tips!

Smokey: Big tits deserve big tips young lady.

Forest: He doesn’t get any better with age, does he?

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