
#Blender #Mixamo #moCap Gardening time (wheelbarrow toy and walking animation)

  • Hey man, thanks for uploading these motion capture animations. I didn't even know we had the ability to do this. They've got some cool looking animations on their website, and one I've always wished I had to work with was some convincing falling over dead animations. If you get a second, can you please convert this Falling Forward Death animation


    created by GermFactory 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • @GermFactory https://www.thri.xxx/gamerotica/item/7284650

    created by dirthack 3 years ago Who liked this?

#Mixamo #MoCap Rumba Twist Samba pose demo

#moCap #Mixamo Some hip hop animations Set: https://www.thri.xxx/profile/50216/dirthack/myshares/1609634

#Blender #BVH #moCap Finally I figured out, how to get a Mixamo mocap animation into the game. (Hip hop dance move)

#Mocap #WIP


Importing an indian temple dance from
(Carnegie-Mellon Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database)


  • Great dance movie! I was going to make movie of the belly dance before, but I didn't upload it because I couldn't have satisfactory completeness of it.

    created by veemy 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • That's really neat! Well done, @dirthack.

    created by boomer74 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Looks great. I didn't worked with Mocap yet, so how is it actually if you creat something with Mocap, you can then also Import into PE?

    created by MrGreen69 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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#Mocap #BVH Demo: Imported bvh/mocap files in pose editor

(Second Life, zip file from http://help.thrixxx.com/doku.php?id=en:bvhfiles&s[]=mocap)
Thx @inlovewithh for the link


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