
#foresterotica #NoddyandBigEars @Smokey


One month later ........

Juanita: Can I get you anything sir?

Big Ears: Champagne I think Juanita.

Paola: (thinks) It's so nice to have a maid instead of being one!

Noddy: (thinks) I'm damned sure Big Ears is fucking her!

And this marks the end to the Noddy and Big Ears story. Thanks to all who have followed this little bit of sillyness.

  • Phew! at last we can rest, And we wont have to worry about money for a long time.

    created by Smokey 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Glad Paola Found Happiness

    created by Cherry33 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • More money brings more problems

    created by Mother 5 years ago Who liked this?
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#foresterotica #NoddyandBigEars @Smokey


Paola: Err-boys? Just what have you got there?

Noddy: It's all down to Big Ears here - he dropped his pants in the shop and hit the jackpot!

Big Ears: Putting it like that you make me sound like a geriatric rent boy.

Noddy: You know I didn't mean it like that!

Paola: But - so much money and - is that gold?

Big Ears: I got a ticket for the Lucky Asshole Lottery Paola - and won. Now we can retire to somewhere warm!

I should say there is an element of fantasy in this - by my reckoning that crate of gold would weigh about 2 tons so how we managed to carry it in is a mystery.

#Smokey @forestporn #NoddyandBigEars OUT TAKE 1 (THIS IS A DIRECTORS CUT) (Click on the picture twice to enlarge)

(Big Ears) Why are you here when I need to take a shower?

(Noddy) we need to talk about our image!

(Big Ears) Image? what image?

(Noddy) The way we dress, the places we go, and the crazy things we do!

(Big Ears) couldn't this have waited? we could have had this talk down the pub!

(Noddy) I need to talk to your ass now!..We need to find a better place to live, with a better bathroom!...I mean, Look at this place! you've got a floater down here!

(Big Ears) Okay! we'll see what changes we can make! Now can I finish my shower in peace?

#Smokey @forestporn @Zoble #NoddyandBigEars 38

(Noddy) a good days work eh Big Ears!.

(Big Ears) Yes and we even got free home delivery.

(Noddy) I cant wait to try this Brexit when we get

(Zoble) I need a new delivery truck!..

(Juanita thinks) I need a better job!

#Smokey @forestporn @Zoble #NoddyandBigEars 37

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#Smokey @forestporn #NoddyandBigEars 36

(Juanita) He's just adorable Big Ears! I will pay for your ticket to the Lucky Asshole draw if I can keep him.

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