


Red and Ada

Dee was away on a shoot so she called up her friend Ada to keep Red company for the weekend. Because they don't plan on having kids anytime soon, Dee and Red celebrate Boyfriend's/Girlfriend's Day. Instead of Father's/Mother's Day. And yes, proper precaution's are taken so it doesn't end up becoming the latter.

#RedFlareStudios - #FellatioFriday


Zara Attar

Getting head from an Arabian actress I'd met on my trip in Europe.



Red and Dee

Just a portrait shot of Red and his lovely girlfriend Dee. I was going for a casual yet intimate shot of them together.

  • I think you succeeded bud ! Beautiful shot ! Love the location too ! Is that yours? It looks like you and Dee have evolved...or changed your looks

    created by dragonfyre 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • @dragonfyre, Thank you, and sadly no. The location isn't mine. It had come to my realization that real people (especially women) don't look the same all the time. So I figured if I'd kept the basics (skin color, hair color, etc...), I could still mess around with a few other things (hair style, make-up, etc...)

    created by RedFlare 7 years ago Who liked this?



"Hola Papi..."

So after taking more pictures of the girls doing sexy things and lounging around I had decided to turn in for the night. Little did I know that Lolita (one of our newer members) had managed to get into my room and had been waiting for me. I guess I won't be getting as much sleep as I had thought. Not that I'm complaining or anything...

  • Um out...yes get out, Red needs his sleep. But if you give me a few hours I can be there to take care of your needs

    created by Meatloaf5k 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • @Meatloaf5k, Ahh who needs sleep anyway. As I've said there's no rest for the wicked. And things are about to get wicked.

    created by RedFlare 7 years ago Who liked this?

#RedFlareStudios - #AssShotSaturday


Spending a weekend at a resort with some of the girls.

#RedFlareStudios - #FellatioFriday - #FacialFriday


Haven't done a submission for Fellatio Friday in a while. Why not with the beautiful Amelia.

Well, it's more like Facial Friday. But there was a fellatio involved sooo, there.

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