
Heres #Kara #Kamirie and #Sallah In the thing that i couldn't upload because #STUPID!


This is another thing that happens at work... Fairly often strangely enough. My answer is always the same. Except that one time.

But I was closed.

  • WTF!!!!!! KARA!! Get off your (REALLY nice ASS ) and go get some!!!!! Come on @Hobbes give the girl a break....I wanna see her happy!!! Dammit, if you won't give her satisfaction, I will have to take it into my own hands....Again!!

    created by dragonfyre 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • I've got plans for Kara @Dragonfyre don't worry. I tested it out a bit last night. No one spayed or nuetured me so I might go through with my evil plan!

    created by Hobbes 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @Hobbes Good to hear buddy! I read through 'The Discussion' and 'The Aftermath' last night and I really think it is time she found here special someone...I mean Mali and Lin seemed to be going strong and are not really open to 3-somes with Kara....I still think Sarah would be a good returning character...hot too! I want to see this...evil plan you have my friend

    created by dragonfyre 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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#Kamirie page 26


#Kami and #Sallah Talk a bit more about the situation. I tried to play Sallah's torment down and not be graphic but at the same time convey that she's been hurt real bad.

So i have the end shot and edited. so now all i have to do is shoot the beginning of the end.

Thank you all for sticking with me thus far. Your likes and comments keep me warm. Soon i will have a like army and we will threaten the world with the power of like... i guess? If it's your birthday happy birthday! And as always i will SEE YOU! Next page! BYE Byeee!

  • She has really been through a lot the poor girl. Kami will know what to do. Good continuation of your story!

    created by littlefighter 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Really nice, my friend!!!!

    created by brokenMan59 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @Hobbes great work yet again! I've done some work with 3d modelling before, and one thing that I really like about sallah is that she's in a pose that makes it very precarious for her feet to look natural, and you nailed it!

    created by LeifWoodman 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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