
#foresterotica #site-issues @Dirty-Six @skar123 #WTFisgoingonwiththeblues

I don't know about you good people who see my posts, but I am now getting right royally pissed off by the service/support SV2 users are getting from the Blues. Tickets unanswered. Stream posts unanswered. Well there is the Discord channel (where our old friend Erika used to operate) so I've left a post there:

"I know this is mainly used by Chathouse players but I have a query from the SV2 side. Just what has happened to our support from/contact with 'The Blues'? Ticket not answered in more than 6 weeks (apaet from initial holding response, so I know it did get to them) and posts on X-stream with #site-issues and @ various of the Blues are getting no replies from them. Some SV2 players like me have been members since long before Chathouse began - now we feel like discarded coffee cups and I know I am not alone in feeling let down by ThriXXX, after all, if it had not been for the SV2 players they would never have had the funds to develop Chathouse."

I'll let you know what response I get from what is described as 'live support'.

Pour yourself a large one, I suggest.

  • There are still humans!

    Discord response:

    Today at 00:42
    Hi Forestporn, you can ask this question directly to @Master-G or @skar123
    they are responsible for Sexvilla

    Today at 00:50
    @forestporn I understand your point of view and i will try to get more informations and communicate that with you.

    "Stay tuned."

    created by forestporn 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • So the Blues in essence are just chillin' around the pool while the mods and volunteers do the work for them I guess.

    created by dragonfyre 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • Um yeah, I get no guidance or direction or anything from the Blues. It is all on me and whether or not I can help someone is entirely up to our combined knowledge of the game. I don't know who to pass things up to if I run into someone with a question we cannot answer. Actually I have been trying to give up any sort of mod or helper status because the lack of support is ridiculous. -M

    created by skar123 3 years ago Who liked this?
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#foresterotica #siteissues #WTFisgoingonwiththeblues @Dirty-Six @HomerJay @Janitor @PussinBoobs @Angela @Celine

Without the blues - or Blues?

You see, things just aren't the same without the blues. #WTFisgoingonwiththeblues

  • Love the hash tag....wonder if maybe someone of the blue hue might respond...

    created by dragonfyre 3 years ago Who liked this?

#foresterotica #siteissues #WTFisgoingonwiththeblues @Dirty-Six @HomerJay @Janitor @PussinBoobs @Angela @Celine @skar123

One unhappy bunny here.

Problem with textures - submit a ticket - get a holding response that it will be looked at (fair enough) but nearly 2 months later & depite reminders - response if sfa.

Post here linking D-6 on an issue affecting more than just me but any word back? What do you think?

If we'd had an announcement saying that x,y, or z on the admin team had succumbed to the virus, we'd have been sympathetic but what we, or I, am getting now is dumb insolence and that's NOT what I expect from you Blues so please tell us just wtf is going on with you. Have you cast us poor SV2 players adrift?

Come on Blue guys and girls, if you've got a big problem just COME CLEAN WITH THOSE OF US WHO ARE PAYING TO BE HERE. Hiding in your little blue cave is not good.

  • There used to be logging in and showing online...and now you never see it. Questions linked to one of the admins, used to garner some kind of reply...but that has been absent too. There should be some kind of announcement or information passed on. Sadly, since Erika has left... SV2 is now an iceberg floating in the middle of a vast ocean...or so it seems.

    created by dragonfyre 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • Thrixxx now have Minions to do their work for them...The original Blues have all hid in their bunker, and don't communicate with us paying members anymore.---Their Minions are just helpless slaves who have been given the power to write in blue print, but other than that, they are only foot soldiers. for thrixxx and have no power to fix anything.----Meanwhile Us Members have been cast adrift to fend for ourselves.--This feels like a two fingered salute to us.

    created by Smokey 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • Thrixxx's original channel of sending a ticket to get a problem resolved has become in-affective., and obsolete...They seem to be only interested in Chathouse. (which is a very boring shit game to my mind)) they have forgotten who gave them enough money to develop Chathouse in the first place!

    created by Smokey 3 years ago Who liked this?
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