#wooliewednesday , #WookieWednesday , #dragonfyre , @BoxersNSocks , @witchhouse , @MrMans2
#WookieWednesday #wooliewednesday - Swamp Thing
Happy #WookieWednesday!!! LOL!
#WookieWednesday, Hey you guys named it this, I didn't. Now you get what you deserve. LOL!
#WookieWednesday, George should have come to me for design ideas for the Ewoks of Endor. They would have become the most loved characters in the ROTJ. Theater isles might have been a lot more sticky to walk on though, and not from popcorn butter. George!!! You fucked up George!!! You missed a grand opportunity that would have made you even richer!!! Dumbass!!!
You are so full of yourself @Briar27 It's no wonder people keep blocking you, or putting you on ignore.....Who do you think you are on your high and mighty horse looking down on everyone all the time??
You have always been a big head, telling people that their work doesn't come up to your high standards, so you made some improvements to make it super. then having the nerve to upload your superior version of others work, then stand back with a smug grin on your face. and you expect everyone to Love you for that????...Your rambling speeches' bore everyone to death....ME ME ME ain't I just super fantastic and mega great!!...Jeeezz I'm getting tired of your bullshit.
an over inflated self importance comes across in all your self loving rambles...I'm tired of your shit. -
@Smokey, what the hell are you talking about @Smokey? I haven't been talking down on anyone at all. Nor do I think so highly of myself that I deserve to be on some sort of throne? Where the heck did all this come from? If I have done anything with someone else's poses I have made changes to them so they aren't identical. Sometimes they come with no orgasm loops so I add one. I've only done this to like 3 poses I think, and where possible I always add a link to their original out of respect. Other than that I don't plagiarize anyone's work and call it my own. My models are mine alone, and other than the two or three poses I made additions to, or altered, my pose folder is full of my own made work as well. So don't paint me as somebody I am not and have never been. This is the craziest shit I have ever heard out of your mouth or anyone's for that matter. People are always welcome to take my poses and modify them and repost them if they wish. I'm not in some sort of contest. I'm sharing what people might find useful to use. If asnyone has problems with my pose mods then they can speak to me personally. My latest appeal for mods that are ready to play without changing folders wasn't a demand. I've said this 2 thousand times I think by now. Where have you been? I'm getting the hang of this txs thing since its been going on for so long, if you must know, so I hope the mods will at least be a mix of simple downloads and ones that have multiple files inside. I'm not unreasonable. Why I got blocked or set to ignore is either a misunderstanding of how my words are written, or they just want to put me on ignore to light a fire in me or something. If you don't like my long comments or the way I try to explain myself, then the simple solution is not to read them. Jumping my ass like this is no better than the crazy things your accusing me of man. As you told me once. Chill man, your taking this shit too seriously. @Yorkslad did too. I gave him my feedback and he got more and more upset. I had stopped writting him on the subject but he wrote me back again and then said he was going to ignore or block me. So if anyone is acting over the top it isn't me this time. I'm just logging in and people are hitting me with this crazy stuff. I'm not leaving or staying quiet if I want to say something about a topic. Put me on ignore if this is how you really feel. Though what you wrote sounds rather crazy to me.
@Briar27 here you go again, now your trying to come across as the poor guy who is always misunderstood, and so everyone beats up on...you know exactly what you're doing. You still try to sound like the good guy, and everyone else has got you wrong...we all have our own opinion's on things...but you always have to be right!...So there you go, with the high and mighty thing again...over explaining your self to the point where people just switch off to you..
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I can't be bothered with you right now. I won't block you, I cant see the point in doing that...But who knows? later.....
@Smokey, I'm not going to play this bizarre game with you again man. You toss a bunch of real insults at me in this post out of nowhere, which I haven't done to you or to anyone on this site. I put you on ignore after you didn't seem to have anything nice to say, or were just being rude to me personally, and I took you off ignore cause I didn't like doing that to an old friend, but here you go again. I haven't even been posting anything about mods or anything else for about a week. Until Yorkslad had some sort of meltdown in his last message to me related to the txs files with mods. Which I had not spoken to him about since almost a week ago. So whatever, or whoever has got you acting like this on my Stream needs to chill out and go have a beer or two or something. If you're just going to toss insults at me then put me on ignore. I really don't want to hear this nonsense. Especially personal insults on my Stream. If you don't like me or what I have to say then stop reading and following my posts. That goes for anyone else that thinks they know me as well as you claim to. Your comments were rude and uncalled for. Nothing I have ever said has been directed at you, or at anyone personally. I don't even know what the hell your so upset about. I haven't said a thing about anything in my Stream or comments to bring this on. Other than hoping @Yorkslad might reconsider the ignore thing. Which again wasn't a conversation that involves you either. So if I've done something that you simply can't accept then do what you feel is best. I don't know what else to say, cause I have no idea what exactly you're so fired up about? I haven't said a bad thing about anything or anyone. I haven't even been logging in for more than a few minutes at a time this week, and talking to just about nobody. If you can't be bothered with me right now then why write these insults to me that you did on my Stream that has a picture of a chic cosplaying as an Ewok? I mean there isn't even anything here that has anything to do with anone on the site or any content someone posted. As far as being beat up on goes, the only one doing that to me right now is quite obviously you, for some reason. Best wishes to you Smokey. Do what makes you happy. I'll be ok with whatever decision that turns out to be.
Here's the thing @Briar27..If you go back up to the top of your page here and read the comment YOU wrote you may see how arrogant you come across, by saying you would have made a better job of the outfit..
secondly. I notice that you give likes to other peoples work on the Xstream, But not on the actual Item. this says to me that you ether didn't bother to view their work fully, OR you want to deny them the chance of getting a decent rating in the top of ratings -
Anything written on the Xstream and any likes given there are pretty much pointless because they don't last much more than a week then they disappear.. but any comments and likes on the actual item do have a lasting effect and therefore are more respectful...You did that to me and others many times.....So in future Please leave any comments and Likes on the actual item, It has more meaning, and proves that you did actually look.
These may seem like silly petty things, but they do stack up, and sooner or later people will snap..and this was one of those times for me.
Back on the Old GE site we had a Star system, You could give up to five stars for peoples work. If someone gave you one Star it was like an insult, like a smack in the chops!..
Well here on this New GE site only giving a like on the xstream and not on the actual item has the same effect in my book. we have ways through notifications of telling who voted and where and when...You may think, Does! any of this really matter?. Yes to me I think it dose. It helps me know if my work was good or bad. -
even a silly cartoon can sometimes take hours to make. My game takes almost half an hour to load fully...then I have to choose where I want to go and what I want to do...If I make a mistake in my choice. I have to go back and reload the whole thing all over again...So after all that work and time. If no one gives my work a like.. I'm really pissed.
It's not about getting points. there is no number one position to aim for. I don't need points. I just like to know how my work goes down with people here. It helps me know how I'm doing. -
@Smokey, Jesus Christ Smokey, what I wrote at the top of this one was a joke! I mean do you really think George Lucas would have used Victoria Secret models dressed like this as Ewoks for a Star Wars movie rated PG? Holy shit dude! Your really reaching aren't you? As for the likes I have been, and was clicking like on the actual content page, but I was told by many here quite some time ago that more people spend time in the Streams and hardly look at the content pages as much. SO I started following Stream posts more than the content pages. I bounce to both as often as I can. I haven't been complaining about Likes on my own content even though they often amount to very little compared to the old GE page. I had not even brought this up lately, so apparently your looking for anything to bug the shit out of me about. I stopped actively clicking the LIKE button for half the night when my own content wasnt even getting them from people on my own friends list. Now I dont do it so diligently because out of the 200 plus friends on my own list I get like 15 likes on my Stream and maybe 8 to ten on screenshots I post to the content section. I do what I can as I have the time, and I also do unto others as they have done to me. So if I dont see people clicking the like button much on my own content, then I dont really feel it is all that necessary for me to make sure I catch everything they post. I'm trying to get some overdue models posted that the occasional member as asked me about. References take time to look up and add. This pretty much kills my night and anything I want to do for ME. Personally I dont care if I dont have a bunch of likes anymore. Other members have said it isnt the same anymore and the site operates on a more "who you know" rather than "What you post" basis. So I stopped worrying about this kind of shit months ago. Seriously man, you think I am full of myself for saying George Lucas was a dumbass for not calling me and letting me costume his ewoks like some kind of fuzzy animal porn queens? Gimme a break dude. I dont have a high an mighty attitude. I speak up and I speak out. I believe in my opinions, therefore. YES I do believe I am right, or I wouldnt have that opinion in the first place would i? If someone changes that opinion i say so. I have done it before whether you like to believe that or not. You're pissed???!!!!! I get all these insults and accusations tossed at me on my own stream when I wasn't talking about anything to irritate anyone!!! If anyone should be pissed it should be ME!! Out of fucking nowhere you jump my ass after i took you off ignore for this same sort of crap! All I been doing is talking about FUCKING MODS!! I havent been INSULTING OTHER MEMBERS LIKE THEY ARE SOME PIECE OF SHIT OFF THE FUCKING STREET!! Now I'm supposed to click the like button on your posts?? Really?? I had you on ignore remember?? I havent even been seeing your posts until a fucking week ago when I invited you back!! Holy fucking shit!!
@Smokey, if it will make you feel any better I will make going to your profile the first thing I do when I log on. I don't think anyone on this site gives me that kind of attention, and they cretainly don't click LIKE on my stuff half the time, but I will do this since It is hard to find each individuals posts in the content section without stayting online for a lot longer than I have the time to. ok?
Hey @Briar27..Look so I let off some steam. Yeah I got pissed for all the same reasons as you did...This site can break any man or woman to a miserable wreck if we let it all get to us. And I guess I did let it get to me. I don't expect any special treatment. But I mostly put a lot more time and effort into my work than a lot of people here do., and I feel like I have to work twice as hard to get even half the likes they get, because they have shit loads of dumb ass friends .
Right now I think this is a storm in a tea cup, It will blow over, I had a lot to drink when I lost my shit with you...It's a problem I have right now...Part of my depression I guess..
@Smokey, I can relate. I'm don't drink at all really, but sometimes I want to. lol. I know what you mean about the effort it takes to get things you put time into noticed. I pretty much gave up. Which is why I don't post a lot of screenshots, and usually only to my Stream now since posting to the content page is never going to get me anywhere. Certain people have a following that keeps their stuff in the front of the line no matter what. I've had some luck with movies I made but they take so much time to set up the poses, camera movements, lighting, and then adding sound or music when I could, just didn't give me the enjoyment that I used to get from posting my screenshots, comics like you make in one pic or two in length, and custom background shots for posters of my models, which get Noooo attention on the content pages here. Comics require me to make custom poses for every pic and download all sorts of toys to add into poses. It's just too much for so little response to them. Now I just make my models, or post ones I have been sitting on for a long time, and make a few poses once in a while. Eventually this site as it is now, won't give me much pleasure at all. It's all modding and importing, and some mods aren't even released until someone uses them beforehand which basically gives the rest of us nothing to create with that will get any real attention since it's already been used in a pic by someone before we even get our own hands on it. It's become an exclusive club I think. We're just spectators unfortunately. It isn't really fair, and kind of selfish. but that's what I see lately, and I am already losing my desire to do much more here than just grab what I like. As long as it doesnt have txs files galore in them. Those I will probably never use with all the extras since they require extra work inside folders to even use them fully. Who really wants to have to do that to every new mod someone makes? Not me. But I am almost done here as far as anything goes since we arent getting anything in the customizer or other things that have nothing to do with mods and importing.
@Smokey, Anyway. don't think it's just you that isn't gettting my attention or LIKES. It's this place that has changed me. I really don't enjoy this site like I did the old one where we all chatted openly and not in private chat rooms where we picked and chose who are friends would be in the community. Friends lists don't belong on a community website. Nor does private chat rooms in the chat feature. Everyone is supposed to be and feel included whether they are a top content creator or just a new person wanting to join in for some fun and companionship with others. This site has destroyed that utterly. Now we all have to fight to even be heard, or have our content seen. Streams are another thing i actually hate. If you don't follow every member here or are on a freinds list you are excluded or left in the dark as to what's new, what's in the works etcc by other members. I hate this site. I've said it more times than I can count. I stay only cause my creative desire was still holding on but its waning fast, and there isnt much more i can create anyway, cause all we have is the tools that modders were given. and nothing for the rest of us. I still can't even put a crown on a male model, or repaint his fingernails for fantasy characters for pete's sake. I make models but I have NO TOOLS that I want in the customizer to do anything with. So I'm about finished here it seems.
@Smokey, Yea using toys sucks. I don't want them for just pictures I want them to use in the game and a toy helmet or crown uses up one of the available free toy spots in a scene too, and we got tons of imported toys to use now. I want Thri-xxx to give us some real customizer updates so I can make unique faces without the sliders all moving together, and some other crossover features for the men in the customizer like the prego slider so i can make a fat guy or use it in other ways in a video. I also want them to make some of the oldest items they put in the game cross over to the male models for Christs sake. The crown being one I have asked for for a god damn decade now? When do WE get some new tools to play with, or do I start calling this site and game program DAZ 2 now? and not 3DSV2 anymore?
@Briar27 I just spoke to @Dirty-Six about some updates check out his profile. page
@Smokey, I'll believe it when I see them. and I want everything I have asked for since the modders got EVERYTHING they ask for. Otherwise there is no reason for me to even click like on a mod anymore. Or even continue to be actively here for that matter.
@Smokey, All I saw was D6 mention the importing of hairstyles and more modder related stuff. nothing mentioned about customizer features for us regular folk. also something about a translation feature, but that is of no interest to me. I see nothing that makes me feel all fuzzy in what he wrote. Just more modder material and updates. yippie fucking kayay motherfucker. lol
@Briar27 now you're getting all worked up! all this new update stuff takes ages before we get it...But you need to consider just how far these games have come so far, from the dark ages when me and you first got our games on the old site...Patience is needed.
@Briar27 I thought this might light your fire!
you could make a decent screenshot, and relive your old days...I was going to do it for you, but I have too much other shots planed for myself right now.
@Smokey, why did you link me a dirtbike by Dirthack? lol. Anyway I am out of ideas. The new scenes and toys seem to be used by DF or someone else before I even see them posted to the share page half the time. My pictures don't get any more than like 5-10 likes anyway. I haven't had a screenshot or poster of my own model make it to the front page at all. If DF makes a poster shot of one of my models it's a hit with people, but if I make one......crickets. No matter how good it is. Right now....I got nothing inspiring me to make anything. I'm posting new and some old models but thats all I got for now.
@Briar27 Don't worry about DF He is the biggest asshole on this site. He cant take a joke or criticism. I don't even care who can read this comment. He has spammed his way to success. I gave you this link to the dirt bike because I know you used to ride them. and anyway anything you do with that bike will be unique to you bro.
@Smokey, I have few friends here. A lot who pretend to be but few who actually are being genuine. I get a comment from some on my posts but then I sit here until I fall asleep. There's no group chatting like the old site to make it fun to be here like our old forums used to do. Now we got to be in some hashtag you dont even know exists to communicate, or maybe some private chat room i don't know exists, but I'm bored out of my mind. I don't like the mods with txs file swaps so even the content pages don't offer me anything good to use half the time. What good do all these imported toys or rooms do me anyway, if a screenshot I make using them only gets like 5 likes? I might as well just stick to making models or poses till that finally no longer gives me any joy.
Forget all that @Briar27. Just be yourself I know you have lots of creative ideas. I take my inspiration from new rooms or comments or new toys. It dosent matter if someone beats you to it. your work will always be a bit different, and hopefuly will have more class because you will have put more thought and work into it....Don't just roll over and die...Nobody wants to see that happen
@Smokey, Well see what happens, but for now anyway, I got nothing in my head that I want to put together for a pic or something. and the effort it takes isn't worth it on this site page anymore. Not enough people paying attention thanks to lack of community due to friends lists, X-Streams and closed off groups of friends that only share or take interest in their own inner circle. I'm just here for coffee and the occasional download of a few items I prolly won't ever load up and use. lol especially txs file filled folder mods.
@Smokey, actually while I was having a cigarette outside I was thinking of putting my Briar model on the bike with a mask over his face doing a flying bike jump and tossing a lit molt-off cocktail bottle into the window of a building with the name TXS Inc. on the outside of the building. lol Imagine the number of LIKES that one would get.
LMAO !!!! Yeah...I guess we had that coming