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I wish you a good time of your beautiful pregnancy... You will be a very tender and beautiful mother.
Take care of yourself and your delicate female health -
Whish you all the best congratulations you will be a great mother
Congratulations and good health to you and your baby. You will be missed
Bye sweet chanoc, ty for all !!! congratulations and good health, joy and fun. we will miss you
kiss ricardo
That's wonderful congratulations Chanoc, stay healthy beautiful with your precious baby. Thanks for wonderful friendship, take care always, keeping moving forward for more better.
Enjoy your pregnacy .... and dont forget, it takes 9 months ... and not of all months are terrible for women
so I hope .... we will see you back early
#bye #site-issues #SiteSucks
I think I'm through here. The old GE community is dead, and the new site still sucks, it didn't get any better over the last months. I'll keep on playing 3DGV from time to time, but I don't feel encouraged to create and publish any new content.
I'll stop by every few months to see if anything changed, but since I can't find anything on this new site anyway, I'm not sure if that really makes sense.
Thanks to all who are still here and happen to read this, thanks for your creativeness, input and help over the last few years. It has been fun as long as it lasted.
Sorry to see you go @csnews I wish you the best of luck!
I too am sorry to see you go. I will admit that it gets very frustrating sometimes but there is a sense of camaraderie (or survival) that still remains.