
Hello all ! I wanted to thanks all people who is following me or/and my hashtag

Now, I've actually reach 50 followers !!!

I'm so pleased to know that you all like what I share, create and show you

NastyGyyal alias ~Angelina~

#Followers #content #community

Über 7 Jahre ist es her.
Alles ist noch beim alten geblieben. Was gut und nicht gut ist.
Ich sehe noch glückliche Spieler das freut mich für die Leute und das Game.

Aber es ist ja echt nicht viel im Content passiert.
Man hat das gefühl das 7 Jahre nichts mit dem Game passiert ist.
Ich habe natürlich die "updates" immer mal gesehen.. aber das sind mehr optimierungen für das was da ist. Mini Addons.

Aber alles noch sehr steif, schlimme bewegungen bei den chars.
Cam ist Katastrophe.

Und die FPS mit i7 12700k 32 Ram und 1070 GTX OC Low, es fühlt sich an als ob der Pc noch immer viel zu schwach ist.
Was bei der Hardware nicht sein kann.

Keine weiteren Aktivitäten, keine Stylishen Räume / Umgebungen.

Wenigstens kann man sagen das sich nichts verschlechtert hat.. es ist eben nur 7 Jahre das gleiche geblieben.

Wie ein Game mit nur einer kleinen Map und einem Store voll mit neuen Waffenskins, Animationen und Kleidung.. das wars.

Finde ich schon schade.. hatte mehr erwartet, 7 Jahre sind eine sehr lange zeit.

Die letzten News auch von 2020...und wir haben schon ENDE 2021.... ich denke da kommt nicht mehr viel.

#news #update #7jahre #content #thriXXX

#V2Updates #sexvilla2 #3dsv2 #update #content

Are we getting anymore content updates for SV2? This year?
I'm actually dying of getting several locations to play on. Realworld, everyday locations. I'd also love to get continuations for the Hotel locations. A full house as Chathouse have is still wanted too. It's even in the name, SexVILLA!

  • yup, they doesn't care about 3DSV anymore

    created by Bombero22 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • I do think we will get some more tweaks. I asked @pussinboobs for the black bars to be removed from the sequencer, so what I set in PE works in the sequencer and he said it would be added to the list, tho' it may be a while as there was other stuff, so this indicates there is a list of things to be done

    created by Osprey 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Agreed

    created by coffeeWhore64 5 years ago
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Been a while has it not? Where I've been? Busy and Bored.

I think it's time I exercise that feeling of boredom over the next few days on some content for ya'll. I don't know when it will be released as I'm not gonna torture myself with Release Date's anymore.

Just know I'm still here, but I have a lot of catching up to do on a bunch of people's stories. That + two jobs = "I shall make it as soon as I can!". My 'soon as I can' is different than it once was. But my "I can" is still as sure as it will ever be.

Thanks for your support

#DragonQueen #RevStein #SOHK #TheDate #Lambent #Tulia #dance #content #tba

  • welcome my good friend

    created by libedon 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • Good to see ya, @inlovewithh. Understand where you're coming from concerning release dates. The way I see it is, there is no point on working on any content unlesss you feel like working on it. At the end of the day this is a hobby, but if we pressure ourselves with it then it stops being a hobby and starts becoming job...and we work enough hours, y'know? And there is a lot of stories I wish I had time to read, too, lol! So what I'm saying is: Take your time; Your stories are worth waiting for!

    created by Greyfox763 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • Just happy to hear that your creative fires are still burning @inlovewithh, life does get in the way, so whenever you can is fine my friend

    created by dragonfyre 9 years ago Who liked this?
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