
#dup Separated right/left gloves

Demo - how to use dup file to enable pregnancy and atomic boobs while wearing cloth. Check for the max slider position to prevent clipping. @Layiila


#dedupe #dup #howto


Hello everyone.

I need support to use Dedupe.
I can not figure out how to insert the various extensions in .dup files because when I create a file window tells me that this extension is not associated with any present program.
I tried to do the manual association from windows control panel but the' extension is not present in list.
I also tried to insert the setting extensions directly into .txt file and then convert it to .dup but do not work.

Someone can explain to me why?

thank you.

  • use a simple texteditor (notepad)
    copy/paste the wanted effects into file - one per line
    save file as texture_name.dup
    copy file into activemod/moddir
    start game

    dbl click on dup file - in the "not associate" dialog - select "Editor" (notepad) from the list off apps.

    if you create a new txt file on the desktop (abc.txt) and you only see abc (standard explorer setting) - renaming might end up in abc.dup.txt (you see abc.dup) - the game ignores the file.

    created by dirthack 8 years ago Who liked this?
  • Now work it!

    Thank You soo much!

    created by masterkey 8 years ago Who liked this?

#dup - Hey! Don't ruin my stuff.

Invisible mannequin on male character

Thanks @forestporn for the bunny hat trick.
Now I can hide the mannequin's head also.
Strange thing with the bunny hat is, it's
not recognized as a mod - only if you place it
directly in the ActiveMod folder (which replaces
the original hat)
I also used invisible teeth.


  • I can't claim any credit for that trick @dirthack - the invisible texture including the bunny hat was made long ago by nmanpower.

    created by forestporn 9 years ago Who liked this?

#dup Oh boy, I wish I had an invisible model

Live from PE. Misusing the bracelet.
The hotpants are larger than usual


#dup Undressing Bando

2 models
1. wearing bando + invisible making latex catsuit



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