
#claire #houseofcocks #FoilHead #stisegon

And the story continues...

Knowing her plan is working, Claire leaves Senator Wesley Foilhead.

Wesley: "As you want, I'll call you. But don't screw me!"
Claire: "Of course Wesley, have fun and don't dissapoint me."

Claire talks to the audience (you): "I always get what I want, sooner or later. This time it's his cock I want later and his help is what I get sooner. Until that I have a very special girl who will make Wesley do what I want him to do, even when I'm too buisy to be at the place. So now it's time to find the next senator to my side of the coin. But who will it be?"



(If you want to be a part of HoC just pm me )

#claire #houseofcocks #FoilHead #stisegon

And the story continues...

Claire turns around and starts to dress up again...

Wesley: "Hey! I said I'll do it, so what are you doing?!"
Claire: "Wesley, I hold my word but I won't pay you that way before I see results."
Wesley: "But what about me? You made me hard and now don't care about it?"
Claire: "Here, take these 20 Bucks. Buy a Girl a drink. And never say or even think again that I don't care about you or your cock."



#claire #houseofcocks #FoilHead #stisegon

And the story continues...

After a short suck Claire stands up, her fingers still play very skilled with his cock...

Wesley: "What the...? Back on your knees baby!"
Claire: "Wesley, I said I will give you a preview of how great it can feel to work with me."
Wesley: "You're kidding me, right?!"
Claire: "My dear, this was just a little taste of what I will do with you and what you will do with me, when you do what I asked you for."
Wesley: "Helping out a politician? You just want me to do the dirty work for you!"
Claire: "That's correct. I want you to do what I can't do to help me out. And as a payment you get way more then you got now, and not only me my friend."



#claire #houseofcocks #FoilHead #stisegon

And the story continues...

Down on her knees, Claire starts sucking the tip, gently, passiontly...

Wesley: "Holy shit that's it! So that's how you got your votes in the oral exams, right?"

Claire stops sucking and her fingers start the work...

Claire: "No comment Wesley, but do we have a deal?"
Wesley: "Maybe, if you continue that work, maybe."



#claire #houseofcocks #FoilHead #stisegon

And the story continues...

Claire goes down on her knees, to show how thankfull she could be.

Claire: "So you see? Working for me would bring you alot of pleasure, so what do you say?"
Wesley: "Claire, you're a politician, why should I trust a payed liar like you?"
Claire: "Cause helping me gain my victory would bring you further you could ever imagine."
Wesley: "I can imagine alot, but still no reason to help you. A handjob ain't enough, you know?"
Claire: "This ain't your payment, it's just a preview of how thankfull I can be."



  • "Hmmm, It's kinda tempting. I'd be letting my guard down."

    Excellent pages again. Love this model's shape and appearance. Think I'm gonna like her A LOT!

    created by HardManWesley 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • That is good....give him just a taste to tease him back and entice him to do his job as well @stisegon

    created by dragonfyre 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • the House of Cocks......ROCKS!!!!

    created by J-Rock_1490490350 9 years ago Who liked this?
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#claire #houseofcocks #FoilHead #stisegon

And the story continues...

Wesley: "You want to thank me in a very good way? So go ahead, and you know what I mean."
Claire: "Payment without any work? You're kidding me."
Wesley: "Come on baby! You want me to do your job, and I want to see if the payment is worth the work. So down on your knees and show me that you're worth my vote and my help."



  • "Claire, a couple of things I've picked up. 1, always make the girl go first. 2, NEVER trust a politician."

    Nice shot. You just know Claire's craving some of that love stick.

    created by HardManWesley 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • Pretty shrewd of @HardManWesley Wonder if Claire is willing to go that extra mile @stisegon

    created by dragonfyre 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • Y E S ! ! !

    created by Gentlemangangsta 9 years ago Who liked this?
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