
A Girl Should Be Two Things,
Who And What She Wants .

Agree ?

Inner Voice - Reliving From Work stress Is Quite Tricky without getting crazy -


I can’t believe that this long day has come to an end.
After all, wishing All to rest and recover.
Sleep is necessary for our beauty! -

#Relax - #work - #Lesbian - #Lesbians - #Love - #Bisexual - #PornGif - #nonnude - #PornGifs - #themeofweek -

  • definitely yes and if she can also manage to be herself then she verge on the brink of perfection

    Nadia to relieve stress two things come to mind Yoga and sex
    Hot bath and a good glass of wine are also recommended and if you manage to mix those four things in the same evening you may be on your way to blissful slumber.

    Sleep well and have good dreams my friend

    created by Cyanna 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Wise and Great Advice , Will Follow My Dear @Cyanna

    created by Nadia4U 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • I do not understand this phenomenon...Hmm

    created by MarPas 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • View all comments(-3)

Hey I know it's Monday and also a New Day, a New Week and lies a new Opportunity for Something Special to Happen -

and so Blah-Blah-Blah....

But the bitter truth is MONDAY Is A Basic BITCH
And I will be Pounding On It..

PS - Gone Crazy with WorkStress


Hope All Had A Fun And Relaxing Weekend And Made a Great Start of The Week

#MondayMood - #MondayBlues - #Weekendisover - #Weekendisbetter - #MondaySucks - #work - #Lesbian - #Lesbians - #Love - #Bisexual - #PornGif - #nonnude - #PornGifs - #themeofweek -

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.... -
Point Me To The Nearest Bar... -

PS - Aftermath of a Hard Weekend Party -


Here comes weekend again!
I hope all were enjoying your weekend by any means.
Wishing you a very happy weekend!

#party - #partyhardthisweekend - #the - #drunk - #Girl - #weekendisbetter - #weekendfun - #Lesbian - #Lesbians - #Love - #Bisexual - #PornGif - #nonnude - #PornGifs - #themeofweek -

Be a dreamer and dream to reach for the stars, --
and missed a star then grab a handful of clouds. --

Always Proud To Be A Dreamer


Hope All Having Good Times At Work and
Wherever You Are-

#always - #dream - #dreambig - #Lesbian - #Lesbians - #Love - #Bisexual - #PornGif - #nonnude - #PornGifs - #themeofweek -

The Best Way to Appreciate Your Job ,
Is To Imagine Yourself Without One . -

Love your Work and Be Stress Free -

Hope All Had their Fun Weekend and Made a Great Start

#Weekendisover - #Weekendisbetter - #MondaySucks - #work - #Lesbian - #Lesbians - #Love - #Bisexual - #PornGif - #nonnude - #PornGifs - #themeofweek -

When Your Twerk Speaks For Itslef,
Don't Interrupt

Wishing all an Un-Interrupted Fun And Relaxing Weekend

#weekendisbetter - #weekendfun - #Lesbian - #Lesbians - #Love - #Bisexual - #PornGif - #nonnude - #PornGifs - #themeofweek -

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