
#Jenny_O_Silly_Stuff -

Have you noticed how Bezos' spaceship looks like a giant dildo?
I think that's proof some of those engineers play too much Chathouse...

#Jenny_O_Silly_Stuff #funny #FunnyShit @dildo #scifi #spacesex

I think Bezos' dildo spaceship inspired some of us...
Maybe it was just a marketing stunt, but it got me!
Here's what I ordered on Amazon today:

#Jenny_O_Silly_Stuff #funny #FunnyShit @dildo #scifi #spacesex

Missing my friend @Jenny_O and posting one of her funny pics to remember all she brought into this community.

Can you actually remember the orgies that were celebrated in the middle ages when the plague was defeated?
Is there anything planned?

Pouvez-vous vous souvenir des orgies qui étaient célébrées au Moyen-Âge lorsque la peste était vaincue? Y a-t-il quelque chose de prévu?


  • created by Alex80SeeYouAll 4 years ago Who liked this?
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JozAmXo2bDE Italians do it better. Old story

    created by Betty_Ramone 4 years ago Who liked this?
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD35ASXHmsU

    created by Betty_Ramone 4 years ago Who liked this?
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#Jenny_O_Silly_Stuff -

  • Hi, hmm guess you forgot to attach the silly thing but maybe this was meant to be silly, not attaching anything.. Clever there

    created by Jenny_O 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Oh Jenny you are silly. Or are you sublimely clever?
    Will we find out or not
    Good morning my most wonderful friend.

    created by Drew4691 5 years ago
  • Now that was a silly mistake OR was it a trick to make us think you forgot to add it ??

    So like maybe it is a real Silly Sunday ??

    Good morning Jenny and happy Sunday. ♥ ♥

    created by MrNoodles 5 years ago Who liked this?
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