Can you actually remember the orgies that were celebrated in the middle ages when the plague was defeated?
Is there anything planned?
Pouvez-vous vous souvenir des orgies qui étaient célébrées au Moyen-Âge lorsque la peste était vaincue? Y a-t-il quelque chose de prévu?
- Italians do it better. Old story
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really crazy, so much drumer people and also nice words from singer of the foo fighters! david grol or so
I don't think any of us actually remember the orgies, lol! But I'm good, I don't think I need a corona orgy!!! XD
@KedzHearts no no
, this is supposed to happen *after* the epidemic not during!!!
(Guess the US doesn't need that anyway as you have spring break)
, yep, this is legendary.. gold goes to italy...
silver to the hungarians
Would be fun to join such an event one day. Guess I better keep practicing my ukulele as my singing sucks...
(remember posting that one ages ago too... must be somewhere deep down that endless x-stream
I already register for planned parties after epidemic
@lekipudomi .. is it to early to set up a Doddle?
mmmhhh i don't know exactly. let's wait a week for real life..
but we can then play an orgy in the game .... risk of infection with corona 0.00 percent, one room, a time, and an invitation to all who have desire
I would also like an invitation to the orgy after the
, whatever that may be. (But please no invitation for me for the fidgety avatar parties in the game.) The main thing is orgy ...ähhhh.... party ... whatever, the main thing is people and having fun.