

I have a question about a problem I encountered.
When I press Show browser and it gets stuck, is there some way to fix it?

#support #chathouse3d

#IdeasOrSuggestions - Hi,

Just wanted to recommand 4 poses for more fun :
- Hold hairs
- Boobs job
- Hold boobs
- Lick boobs

I'd like to thank you Team for your job and also to have added Slow Dance

@Nelly69 @Janitor @Dirty-Six @PussInBoobs #developper #Moderator#poses #GameOfThriXXX #chathouse3d #support


Hello, I think #chathouse3d miss some valuable poses
I know this is a game initially based on sex but you know, we need romantism also ! We are human

I am in relationship here and tonight my boyfriend invited me in his room. We had a sit and I found weird the non-possibility to sit on him and neither kiss him on the couch while I am sitting on him.

So I'd like to see in next months at least 4 poses appear if it remains feasible :
1) Sit on our partner to talk and kiss on the couch
2) Pin our partner against a wall to kiss and have sex on it
3) Massage our partner lying
4) Have a slow dance with someone

Thanks for everyone who will read my post and support me

#support #moderator #suggestions #developper #poses @Dirty-Six @PussInBoobs @Janitor @Nelly69

  • También obvian la posibilidad de una zona tan erógena como los pechos, sugiero alguna pose en la que pueda besar los pechos de mi chica

    created by Elsa_ 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • Yeah i'm totally agree with you, that kind of poses should be "normally" added @Elsa_

    created by NastyGyyal 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • Romance is a beautiful theme. I completely agree with you. Wish you a great weekend

    created by Maggie_Belle 3 years ago Who liked this?
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Before I take the plunge, I was just curious as to what games, if any, were compatible with Kiiroo Onyx2/+ devices? Thanks for your response! #support

I don't know if i have to cry or to laugh now.
I had 4 verywell designed rooms in Chathouse with a lot of specials in it. And now all is gone?
Sorry Thrixxx but that pissed me off.
And I'm pretty sure that i don't staying alone with that opinion, because i know some users they had some similar things, and they were so happy with it, after they were finished with the style up of her rooms characters and other stuff.
That are all things were unique and needed some time, creativity and patience to create all these.

I can understand that something like that can happen...
Also i know that it wasn't in your mind to do that.
And i definetly know, that this situation for your company isn't well.
But there is one thing what i can't understand.
A lot of players were saying, (i saw that in some comments on some posts at the X-streams of your members...) that they wanna have a backup function for exactly this case.
Since monthes i saw here and there comments like this
I just wanna say.
This time maybe i will stay. Will this happen again, i don't think so that i wanna create stuff here again.

So..i just wanna say with that...
I would prefer a saving on my own hard disk for this.
Think i said all what was to say about that.
Wish a good evening.

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich jetzt weinen oder lachen muss.
Ich hatte 4 sehr gut gestaltete Villen in Chathouse mit vielen Extras darin. Und jetzt ist alles weg?
Sorry Thrixxx, aber das hat mich verärgert.
Und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich nicht alleine mit dieser Meinung dastehe, weil ich weiß, dass einige Benutzer ähnliche Dinge hatten und sie waren so glücklich damit, nachdem sie mit dem verzieren ihrer Häusern, Charaktere und anderem Zeugs fertig waren
Das alles war einzigartig und brauchte Zeit, Kreativität und Geduld, um all das zu schaffen.

Ich kann verstehen, dass so etwas passieren kann...
Auch weiß ich, dass es nicht in euerer Absicht war, das zu tun.
Und ich weiß definitiv, dass diese Situation für Ihr Unternehmen absolut nicht gut ist.
Aber es gibt eine Sache, die ich nicht verstehen kann.
Viele Spieler haben gesagt, (ich habe das in einigen Kommentaren zu einigen Beiträgen auf den X-Streams euerer Mitarbeiter gesehen ...), dass sie eine Backup-Funktion für genau diesen Fall haben wollen.
Seit Monaten habe ich hier und da Kommentare wie diese gesehen.
Ich möchte nur sagen.
Diesmal werde ich vielleicht bleiben. Wird das noch einmal passieren, denke ich nicht, dass ich hier wieder etwas schaffen will.

Also ... ich will nur damit sagen ...
Ich würde eine Speicherung auf der eigenen Festplatte dafür vorschlagen.
Ich glaube, ich habe alles gesagt, was ich dazu sagen wollte.
Wünsche einen schönen Abend!

@Janitor @Celine @Dirty-Six
#thrixxx #developer #Entwickler #Support #roomedit #servercrash
#backup #Fallout #giveusagoodbackupsystem #harddisksaving

  • Is not only about CH Villas/characters...
    [a͇l͇l͇ ͇G͇a͇m͇e͇r͇o͇t͇i͇c͇a͇ ͇S͇h͇a͇r͇e͇s͇ created between April and November are irretrievably deleted]

    All 3DSV works/shares (Models, Textures, Poses, etc) done SINCE APRIL disappeared o_O

    created by Tsuga 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • True.

    created by Lassi 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • BIN GANZ DEINER MEINUNG so eine SCHEIßE was soll das, wenn man so ein unternehmen aufstellt sollte ein richtiges backup her !

    created by Medjianer 7 years ago Who liked this?
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#h3d2, #support, #Supportteam So I got the 'Hotel first floor" location, only to discover that there are no pre-defined locations at all. Even the starting position isn't listed, is this a bug of some sort? It sure makes posing a whole lot harder.

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