
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #Brunette #coffee #Italy

I would stand in line for this
There's always room in life for this

Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart

  • For some reason, the video doesn't load here and says it's unavailable in U.S.A.

    created by NuevaJess 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • Hallo du, bezaubernde Lady... vielleicht kannst du dieses Video genießen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBB2bPwKWVg

    Hab noch einen schönen Sonntag

    created by ValleyArt 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • Oh ... hmmm strange corporation games, there is nothing defective

    created by NicklasCZ 1 year ago Who liked this?
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Introducing my last creation, finished, ready and tested! It's Ancient Villa, a time machine that will take you to ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

  • Amazing, as always!

    created by LittleSoul 6 years ago Who liked this?
  • That is for sure amazing Cesare--great creations

    created by Vexxy 6 years ago Who liked this?
  • Thanks, too kind, ladies

    created by IuliusCaesar 6 years ago Who liked this?
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You can visit first the city I live in and love, Rome.
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

Have a bath in the thermae, find some good company and enjoy the water... and the company
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

Visit the Penis Maximus and watch the races
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

Or maybe, team up and ride the Biga and win the race
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

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