
Me and my #wifey lover @hook1996 having a somewhat huge Lesbian party last night in the #Roma room while you all were sleeping

Introducing my last creation, finished, ready and tested! It's Ancient Villa, a time machine that will take you to ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

  • Amazing, as always!

    created by LittleSoul 6 years ago Who liked this?
  • That is for sure amazing Cesare--great creations

    created by Vexxy 6 years ago Who liked this?
  • Thanks, too kind, ladies

    created by IuliusCaesar 6 years ago Who liked this?
  • View all comments(-3)

You can visit first the city I live in and love, Rome.
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

Have a bath in the thermae, find some good company and enjoy the water... and the company
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

Visit the Penis Maximus and watch the races
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

Or maybe, team up and ride the Biga and win the race
#RoomEditor #universalobjects #RoomModding #Caesarsbar #InItaliaPiace #PartyTime #cesarebar #16people #Rome #Roma #Roman #Italy #Italian #Italia #Greece #Athens #Sparta #Spartan #Egypt #Egiptian #orationisdomus

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