
#MaXsiM -

Hallo mein Freund, war gerade auf deine Seite sexxiporn, ich bekomme wenn ich Sexy 7 runterladen will eine Fehlermeldung!

403 Forbidden
Bitte schau mal nach Sexy 7 fehlt mir in meine Sammlung noch!


  • Oha, danke für die Nachricht... Da stimmt grad was nicht, ich sehe nach

    created by MaXsiM 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Danke dir, hatte dir aber vor Tagen schon eine PM geschickt!

    created by Arrula 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Oh, eine PM ist bei mir nicht angekommen 0o Vielleicht haben wir mit unseren Sauereien jetzt das Internet kaputt gemacht

    Okay, aber die Links funktionieren jetzt wieder. Vielen Dank noch mal für den Hinweis

    created by MaXsiM 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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Arrula posted on MaXsiM's XStream


Hallo MaXsiM,als Langjähriger Fan deine Serie Dreams of Luisa möchte ich mich für dein neues Werk "Luisa and the Wicked Game" bedanken!

Super arbeit, mach weiter so!
Ich liebe Luisa und Sybil

Bring doch auch mal wieder was von Zelda

Gruß Enrique (Arrula)

  • Hey! Danke, danke! Ich freue mich sehr, dass dir die neue Geschichte gefällt. Zelda gehört leider zu den Charakteren, von denen sich die Story entfernt hat. Aber ich werde ihr schöne Grüße von dir bestellen

    created by MaXsiM 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Grüß Zelda, so ein mist, warum hat Sie mir nichts gesagt, wir haben uns so gut verstanden
    Hm frag Sie mal ob Sie mir ein Bild schicken kann ?
    OK mein Freund, Luisa und Sybil sind ja auch meine Lieblinge, obwohl Sybil ein Traum ist, sag Ihr bloß nichts,
    nicht das meine Maria was merkt *grins*

    created by Arrula 1 decade ago
  • Ne, ich sag Maria nichts... jedenfalls nicht, bevor ihr verheiratet seid

    created by MaXsiM 1 decade ago
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I have a new photo here:


#MaXsiM #photos


Let me tell you #howto get cozy with the #MyShares page.

The My Shares page can be found by clicking on "Community" in the main navigation and then on the "My Shares" link.

It's your personal page where you can organize all the items you upload to the site.

Important note 1:
The "My Shares" page is NOT your public share profile! It is only visible to you and linking to it doesn't help -> People would only be led to their very own My Shares page.

Important note 2:
The "My Shares" page is still under development. #Dirty-Six has already confirmed (please correct me if i'm wrong) that a public share profile is coming, as well as a way to delete unwanted sets.

Let's start.

Like i've said above, "My Shares" is for organizing your uploads. You can create different sets for different sorts of uploads (sets just work the same way like folders on your computer).

For example, i only upload screenshots, toys and textures. So i have created sets for each of these item sorts.

Other people love to upload their models. So i would recommend to make sets for the blonds, black-haired, big-busted and so on.

But this depends on you! There is no must to come up with dozens of sets. If you're one of the lazy sort and don't want to be bothered by those menus, just forget about it.

How to make a set!

Go to Community/My Shares and click on the button "New Set". A cute window pops up. Fill in a name and choose the correct type (is the set for textures? For models? Or simply for mixed stuff?).

Make the set visible for others (public) or unmark the box to make the set private.

If you already have uploaded an item that would fit nicely into this new set, you can click on "move item to other set". This term is a bit confusing, but i will explain it in the next step.

When you're ready, click on "add".

You can change everything about a set later again. Just hover over the set's preview pic and click on "details". On the next page click "Edit"...

How to move items from set to set?

This is the most confusing part because the term "move item to other set" points into the wrong direction. My #site-suggestion is to rename it to "move item into this set".

So, when you want to move your precious upload to another set, you need to go to that (target) set first.

Open the target set with details/Edit and now click on "move item to other set".

The list "My Items" comes up. Now look for that item you want to move into this set and click the plus-symbol to mark it. You can also choose many items at once. When you're done, click "OK".

That's it. But have another look at the "Set edit" window. All items of this set are listed here. Click on "Cover" to make that item's screenshot become the cover photo of the set. Or remove items by clicking the cross-symbol.

Removed items automatically go back into the default private set. I tell you more about private sets... now!

What are Private sets and why?

Everything you upload goes into the private set by default. This is pretty good because it enables you to preview the item, write a better description, add more preview pics and so on... without getting stressed because the item is already online and people started flaming

Another advantage is that you can upload stuff now and release it later when you think the time is better for whatever reason. I could come up with more advantages, but that goes too far here...

Now, after you uploaded your latest creation via the game or (only textures) the "Upload texture" button on the My Shares page, open the private set and edit the item until you're happy.

Then, go to the public set and suck the item into it just like i've explained it above (Open target set, click on "move item to other set"... now you got it).

I hope this tutorial helped you to understand the My Shares page a bit better. Feel free to share it on your own x-stream and make it #help other people too


  • Hmmmm... Ich spüre da steht jetzt was ganz wichtiges drin! Was heißt das jetzt in Kurzform für Ichkanndochnichtwirklichenglischmenschen
    Entschuldige bitte, würde mich ja genauer damit beschäftigen, aber nicht nach diesem Tag

    created by fraz001_1426846126 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • ✔ Very good.
    ✔ D6 is working on a "share profile" - now i'm happy.
    ✔ When uploading more than 1 picture, the site creates a new public set.

    created by dirthack 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Thanks MaXsiM, also thanked in a share of this...good work.

    created by migz_2K13 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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What is an x-stream? Is it eatable? Learn all the #secrets!

"X-Stream" is only a hip name for something that's simply a "Personal Profile Page" like you possibly know from other social media site on the Internet. Welcome to the new Millennium

The interesting - and a bit confusing - thing is, that you have two x-streams. One that's only for you, and another one that present your profile to the community. I'm going to explain this...

The "My X-Stream" page:

When you click on the big "Community" link in the main navigation, it immediately brings you to your personal x-stream (labeled MY X-STREAM). Here, not only your own posts will be displayed, but also the posts of your friends, the people you follow and the hashtags you follow. In short: All information you've subscribed to.

You can also "like", "share" and write comments from here. It's also possible to "hide" post that bother you and to "report" trolls (upper right corner of every post window, click on the 3 small dots to open the menu).

There are more sub menus filed under "Community", like "MyShares", "Notifications" and so on. Here you can manage your whole account, but i will write about those sub menus in another tutorial.

The "X-Stream of ..." page:

Click on the avatar pic in the main area of your "My X-Stream" page. Now your public x-stream page pops up. It's your homepage on thri.xxx, presenting your content to the community.

Only your posts and their particular comment streams appear here. Note: Your friends can also share their posts on your x-stream, as you can do as well on their x-stream, but i recommend to only do that when really needed, or your friend gave you the permission. Otherwise it could be easily considered as spam.

Anyways, you can moderate your public x-stream! Simply "Delete" stuff you don't want to have on your page and "Report" trolling trolls from trolland

Finally, this page "X-Stream of ..." is reachable and visible for external/logged off people. So you can promote your profile by posting the link "thri.xxx/profile/Username" anywhere you want in the big fat interwebs. Of course you need to change "Username" to your username

But before you do anything, have a look at another tutorial i've written. It explains #howto set up your x-stream and make it look cool: https://www.thri.xxx/profile/MaXsiM/25078

I hope i could #help a bit. Thanks for reading, have a nice time.


PS: Like if you like

  • Sehr gut danke dir, ich habe es verstanden aber in Deutsch wäre es noch besser, kein blödes Trans mit Google

    created by Arrula 1 decade ago
  • Thanks for doing this Maxsim..very helpful.

    I am a little concerned that I can't appear to only make my profile available to the community. Not sure I want it on the internet as a whole...could be a game breaker for me

    created by Osprey 1 decade ago


What are #hashtags and #howto use them.

There is nothing mystical about hashtags. Think of them as headlines or describing keywords, that make it so much easier to organize posts and search for specific topics.

If used properly, hashtags will make navigating through this site and following personal topics of interest a walk in the park.

To give you a better start, here are 3 golden rules:

1. Don't spam!
Don't write text that's full with hashtags. Don't repeat the same hashtag all over again. Don't create useless hashs that nobody understands. Don't create extra long or misspelled hashies. Don't write only-one-hashtag posts. Don't look at them as they were adverts. A bit self-promotion is always nice, but don't overstress it.

2. Make them look good!
Just like your avatar, make hashtags look nice. People should get what a hashtag means. It wouldn't make much sense if i used a tag like 'blueoyster' to mark this tutorial.

In case you come up with a hashtag that already
exists, a list will pop up, displaying the existing and related ones. Choose the most appropriate.

Keep them tight, keep them straight to the point. When you already have a loyal followership you can come up with funny hashtags or even campaigns to bring a specific event into attention.

3. There's no must!
You still don't get it and have no clue what hashtags you should create for your latest post of sexual drama? Simply leave it alone, there's no must to come up with a hashtag. If you're unsure, just don't create one.

No hashtag is still better than a crappy one. After some time you will naturally learn more about hashledashletags, simply by recognizing them here and there.

More about Hashtags:

Have a look at the first two lines of this post. Isn't it very easy to get why i have chosen those 3 words to become hashtags? And isn't it super cool that one stands alone and the other two right in the middle of a sentence? Think about it.

Hashtags are created with this symbol "#", followed by a word or term that consists of only letters and numbers. No spaces, no special characters.

Hashtags are links. You read a post and stumble over an interesting tag? Good, click on it to find more posts with that topic.

There's also a list under "Community/Hashtags" which contains each and every hashtag ever created in the history of thri.xxx.

You can follow a specific hashtag to make all its posts appear on your personal x-stream. If you ask me, this is really pretty fucking fantastic! Try it out and subscribe to the tutorial hashtag: https://www.thri.xxx/community/hashtags/tutorial (click the follow button there, next to the search field)

If you want to learn more about hashtags and who came up with that brilliant idea, Wikipedia can tell:


Because this is a long post, targeting to #help as many people as possible, i've added some more hashtags than only three. I believe, after reading this #tut you're #cool enough to recognize them

Stay tuned and take it easy.


  • Reverend is not going to like this. He was the king of Tags in olde GE!

    created by crugh2112 1 decade ago
  • Counting on the Rev to continue to keep us entertained with tags!

    created by boomer74 1 decade ago
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