

What are #hashtags and #howto use them.

There is nothing mystical about hashtags. Think of them as headlines or describing keywords, that make it so much easier to organize posts and search for specific topics.

If used properly, hashtags will make navigating through this site and following personal topics of interest a walk in the park.

To give you a better start, here are 3 golden rules:

1. Don't spam!
Don't write text that's full with hashtags. Don't repeat the same hashtag all over again. Don't create useless hashs that nobody understands. Don't create extra long or misspelled hashies. Don't write only-one-hashtag posts. Don't look at them as they were adverts. A bit self-promotion is always nice, but don't overstress it.

2. Make them look good!
Just like your avatar, make hashtags look nice. People should get what a hashtag means. It wouldn't make much sense if i used a tag like 'blueoyster' to mark this tutorial.

In case you come up with a hashtag that already
exists, a list will pop up, displaying the existing and related ones. Choose the most appropriate.

Keep them tight, keep them straight to the point. When you already have a loyal followership you can come up with funny hashtags or even campaigns to bring a specific event into attention.

3. There's no must!
You still don't get it and have no clue what hashtags you should create for your latest post of sexual drama? Simply leave it alone, there's no must to come up with a hashtag. If you're unsure, just don't create one.

No hashtag is still better than a crappy one. After some time you will naturally learn more about hashledashletags, simply by recognizing them here and there.

More about Hashtags:

Have a look at the first two lines of this post. Isn't it very easy to get why i have chosen those 3 words to become hashtags? And isn't it super cool that one stands alone and the other two right in the middle of a sentence? Think about it.

Hashtags are created with this symbol "#", followed by a word or term that consists of only letters and numbers. No spaces, no special characters.

Hashtags are links. You read a post and stumble over an interesting tag? Good, click on it to find more posts with that topic.

There's also a list under "Community/Hashtags" which contains each and every hashtag ever created in the history of thri.xxx.

You can follow a specific hashtag to make all its posts appear on your personal x-stream. If you ask me, this is really pretty fucking fantastic! Try it out and subscribe to the tutorial hashtag: https://www.thri.xxx/community/hashtags/tutorial (click the follow button there, next to the search field)

If you want to learn more about hashtags and who came up with that brilliant idea, Wikipedia can tell:


Because this is a long post, targeting to #help as many people as possible, i've added some more hashtags than only three. I believe, after reading this #tut you're #cool enough to recognize them

Stay tuned and take it easy.


  • Reverend is not going to like this. He was the king of Tags in olde GE!

    created by crugh2112 1 decade ago
  • Counting on the Rev to continue to keep us entertained with tags!

    created by boomer74 1 decade ago


#HowTo set up your #x-stream and make it look #cool

Before you go out into the wild, dress up a bit.

1.) Open the "Settings", upper right corner of the page, the little gear next to your username.

2.) In the settings, look at the box "x-stream post settings". Please unmark "achievement gained" and "show achievement posts" at least, since these things will #spam your friend's streams.

3.) Now look at "Account Details". Click on the "Edit" buttons to change entries. Having a nice avatar pic is a must on every community site. So add one. Ready? Cool

4.) Now go on and create a nice "x-stream cover" for your page. Make a pic that's 690px wide and 170px in height, but not heavier than 600kb. People will love you for doing this work.

5.) You can also change the "Color Scheme" for your page. Just try it out.

6.) Now we are coming to the fun part, the "Public Settings"! If you don't want to set these things up, please shut them off. Nothing looks more stupid than an empty default box on your front page

Start with the "Personal Information". It's really easy going. Here you can also hide information like your age and gender. Very nice.

7.) If you want, write a "About me" text, so people can easier decide to fall in love with you.

And again, simply shut off boxes you don't need or want to show on your profile.

8.) Finally, switch off everything you don't want to get notified about in the "Display Information" box. I recommend to let it all activated, since it will make you receive more notifications which leaves you with a good feeling It's also easier to reply on comments, likes and friend requests.

9.) Don't forget to hit the "Save" button as often as you can

10.) And don't click the "Close Account" button by mistake, since it will close your account. If you want to log out, use the Logout link that's next to your avatar

#MaXsiM #tut

#HowTo #pictures #photos #x-stream #tutorial #tut

How to post pictures to a x-stream post:

Copy the internet address of the photo you want to post here. Click on the photo with the right mouse button and copy the graphic address.

Now you can simply paste the address into the text field, you don't need to write any code.

You can also add describing text or whatever just like usual.

A thumbnail of your photo will be generated automatically and when you click on it, the original photo will pop up. The thumbnail always appears to the left beside the text.

According to #dirty-six it is only possible to post pics from external sources at the moment. But there are plans to add a full upload function to this site.

I haven't tried, but i guess you can post videos and other media basically the same way.


  • I load the Pic. in Facebook up.. and here link..
    See my Wall

    created by SAN81 1 decade ago
  • Yes Robby, you can host the pics wherever it's practicable for you. I'm only trying to explain the process here, since many new users will arrive very soon

    created by MaXsiM 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • understand

    created by SAN81 1 decade ago
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