mmmm yes fold your feet and let me thrust deep in your tight cunt #photos
I have a new photo here:
#MaXsiM #photos
#HowTo #pictures #photos #x-stream #tutorial #tut
How to post pictures to a x-stream post:
Copy the internet address of the photo you want to post here. Click on the photo with the right mouse button and copy the graphic address.
Now you can simply paste the address into the text field, you don't need to write any code.
You can also add describing text or whatever just like usual.
A thumbnail of your photo will be generated automatically and when you click on it, the original photo will pop up. The thumbnail always appears to the left beside the text.
According to #dirty-six it is only possible to post pics from external sources at the moment. But there are plans to add a full upload function to this site.
I haven't tried, but i guess you can post videos and other media basically the same way.
Yes Robby, you can host the pics wherever it's practicable for you. I'm only trying to explain the process here, since many new users will arrive very soon
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Robby, most pictures are not allowed in Facebook unless you want to show some pictures of your cat...
you can it Load up in Privat Gal.. only 4 you.. but link 4 all here etc. no Joke
Great collection of tips, MaXsiM. Almost like the instruction manual Thrixxx didn't make. Good work!
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